Chapter 5 - Winter Lights

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Charlie's P.O.V

Football season had ended and Landon had been out of school for nearly two months. We didn't spend much time together anymore. Last I heard he was doing most of his classes online for the end of this semester and that he would return for the next. Christmas was in two weeks. During these past few weeks I've grown closer to Tom. We spent almost everyday together. Helped each other in school and did whatever teenagers do. Two days before school was out for winter break. It was a Wednesday afternoon.

Light rain hit the glass window as I sat in class. It had been finals week. Which meant classes were scattered and it was a cluster of a day. I had finished my finals early. Which meant I could go home if I wanted to. But I looked forward to my last class of the day. My free period. Which meant I would see Tom and chat. I looked forward to seeing him. Plus this weekend was his winter robotics fair. Where many higher up people would come look at everyone's robots they've designed. Including Tom's. I wanted to see how his robot was coming along. Granted it was his prototype. He definitely deserves to win first place though.

I head down the stairs towards the door of the empty classroom. It was dark. And locked. Great I think to myself. I pull my phone out texting Tom. Waiting for a response it quickly dings. We decide to meet outside. I walk outside towards our meetup spot. Seeing a figure. He was already there before me. We smile at each other as he waves towards me. "Hey!" He says. "Hey." I say back. We start to walk towards his car. "Do you work today?" He asks. I think for a moment. "No I don't, why what's up?" He looks at me. "I was thinking since it's finals week and we don't have to be at school tomorrow..." he wanders his words. "Tom?" He clears his throat. "Wannaseethewinterlightstogether?" He says quickly. I stop walking as I turn to open the passenger side of the car. "What?" I chuckle. He laughs alittle. "I said do you wanna see the winter lights together?" We lock eyes for a moment. "Yeah I don't see why we couldn't go tonight." He smiles. He nods and we get inside the car.

As we drove to his house we listened to many Christmas tunes. Singing the words terribly, mocking some of the songs and giggling. It was never a dull moment when we were together. It was genuinely always fun. Shortly after arriving to his house we head inside. Sweet smell of baking fills the air. "Oh my goodness it smells so good!" I turn to Tom. He chuckles. "Oh hey you two!" A woman peaks around the corner. It's his mom. Tom gets a look on his face. "Hey mom." He says as we walk towards the kitchen. "Aren't you supposed to be on bed rest?" He asks. Tom didn't talk about his moms condition much. But I gathered enough to know she was battling some form of cancer. I chose not to pry on information from him. Since it was a touchy subject. She doesn't respond for a moment. She looked alittle sad. "I would love to help if you've got room." I chime in. Her expression lightens and she smiles in my direction. "Of course!" "I always have room." She motions for me to come over. I wash my hands. Looking at the slightly golden sugar cookies. Tom sits at the island. "Isn't it alittle early for Christmas cookies?" His mom and I laugh. "No honey, in fact I'm just practicing early so I can start cookies next week." She replies. We continue to make dough and bake.

I sit on my phone as I hear banging and groans coming from infront of me. Tom was working on the last bits of his robot. I had to admit it didn't look the most pleasing but the reason it thrives is the main reason it's cool. I watch as he pushes a few bolts into place. Closing some sort of latch. I check the time. It was almost time for the winter lights. I was very excited for I hadn't been in a few years. He gets up putting on a coat and slipping some shoes on. I do the same. We gather the rest of our things heading down the stairs. Saying goodbye to his mom as we walk out the front door. "Be safe you two!" She shouts as we walk out.

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