Chapter 8 - A Fresh Start

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Charlie P.O.V

I head home from work. It's been a few days since I had been at the party. I was taking all the shifts I could but they wouldn't give me weekends anymore. Partly because I worked too hard and they just by law couldn't over work me. It was frustrating. But I understood. I grab my key to unlock my front door. I walk inside and immediately head into a shower. I was tired but luckily it was Friday night. I sit on my couch as I flip through my Netflix to find a show. Coming upon one I click it. My cat meows as he jumps up onto the couch beside me. I grab a envelope sent to me by someone. I open it. It reveals a key and a letter. I unfold it to read.

Charlie, I know we haven't been the greatest lately. But you're right. You're my family and my Bestfriend. And when family needs help, we help each other. You've always been there for me even when you couldn't make it you were still somehow there. You're one of the few people who actually cares about everyone even when they've done you wrong. And I can't count the many times I've done that to you and others I care about. I know you're stubborn sometimes but please take this key. This is to the spare guest studio at my house. And there's nobody else for it to occupy then you. I know it's been hard for you. It's time for you to not hold on to so much and let yourself live, not work as much, and to be you. Because I miss that you. That fun and loving Charlie I know. The best version of you. And don't worry your cat can come too.

Sincerely, Landon
p.s the code to the alarm is on the back.

My eyes swell up with tears. Landon's family has always been so good to me. It was too much at times. It was so much I didn't deserve it. I stare at my piles of boxes of everything I own. Only thing left to pack was some clothing, my Tv and tv stand. And to pack the rest of my essentials. I wipe my tears away. I send Landon a text asking if it was okay for me to come this weekend. To which he quickly replied with a yes and that he would bring his old truck over to help. I didn't want this to burden on Landon. But this was my only option as of right now because I couldn't live on my own anymore. I head to bed. Non stop thinking of moving to a place that made me feel like I was apart of a family. Granted I always spent holidays with Landon and his family. I unfortunately didn't have any to spend with. I lay on the couch trying to fall asleep.

Saturday afternoon rolls around and Landon is here with his truck helping me load my heavy furniture in and a few boxes. After a couple hours of going back and fourth we finally have everything at the studio apartment at his house. We clean the apartment as we wait for some pizza to arrive. I'm cleaning the kitchen as Landon fixes a hole in the wall that was punched in when my mom lived here at one point. "Hopefully your mom won't punch a good one in at my place." He says referring to it. I chuckle as I wipe a counter down. "Her boyfriend at the time did that, but she won't be around." It gets quiet for a moment. I can see him look at me in the corner of my eye. "What?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Nothing never mind." I stop scrubbing the sink. "No it's fine say it." He sighs. "Have you thought about digging into finding out about your dad?" He asks. I think for a moment. "I'm not sure if he even knows I exist." "Maybe, but if he did know maybe he would want to meet you." He says. I rinse the sink and wipe it down. "Even if he knew I existed, I don't know if I'd be ready meet him." "Thats a lot for me." It gets quiet. "I don't see how anyone would be disappointed in meeting you." He says. I smile. "Thank you, but I'm happy in life right now and finally feel like I have things figured out." He nods. "That's all that matters."

The doorbell rings and I pay for the pizza as well as tip the guy. Closing the door we sit on the floor and dig into the pizza right away. I pour two glasses of coke for us. I take a bite of my pizza. "So what's going on between you and Tom?" I about choke on my pizza. "What do you mean?" He chuckles. "You two friends?" "Or are you guys a thing?" I shake my head. "We're just friends as of right now." I take a sip of my soda. He nods. "You like him?" Landon and I stare for a moment at each other. "I think I have some sort of feelings for him, but I'm unsure if he feels the same or not." I take another bite. "Have you asked him?" He asks. I shake my head. "No I haven't gotten the right time to, we both have a lot going on." "And I just don't want to ruin what's between us right now." Landon nods. "You've always been terrible with boys." I give him a weird look. "What's that supposed to mean?" I feel a little offended. "Let me finish, I was gonna also say that this time I've noticed it's different with Tom." He says. He takes notice of my still offended face. "It's not a bad thing Charlie, you just..." "I think you have trouble communicating when it comes to boys." I scoff. "Mhm." He shakes his head. We continue to eat our pizza and talk.

I situate into my new little studio and one bath apartment on Landon's property. I finally felt at home for once. A huge weight lifted. This was a fresh start for me. A new chapter of my life to be unfolded. I could finally not take extras shifts, spend time with my friends and actually be a teen for once. I loved working. But this is a time that should've been in my life long ago. It's Sunday and Landon is still asleep and his parents were out of town. I send a text to Tom to see if he was busy today. I look around the room. It was cute and cozy. A way better decorating job than my last place. I took the time. I actually had time for once. I feel a vibrate in my pocket as I look at my cat laying peacefully on the small sofa. I smile and grab my phone to see what was up. Tom had texted back that he was busy until early afternoon. I ask if he wants to hangout afterwards. He quickly replies with a yes and for me to send my new address. I type a few things and send it. I walk into my kitchen. Trying to think of what to make for Landon and I. I take a pan out and set it on the stove turning the heat to a medium. I decide on some scrambled eggs and turkey bacon. I send Landon a text.

Landon's P.O.V.

I wake up to my phone going off. I had a calls from Kailyn. I answer the phone. "Hello?" I say tired. "What the fuck you totally blew me off last night!" She practically screams into my ear. "I'm sorry, some family things came up." She's quiet. "Well just, next time a call or even a text would've been nice." "I canceled a nail appointment with my friends for you last night." She says disappointed. I pinch the bridge of my nose. "It's just not a good time right now." I say. She huffs. "It's never a good time for you!" "When are you gonna stop being Landon Jackson, and just be Landon." I can hear the tone of sadness linger in her voice. "Listen I've got to go." I say and hang up. I lay back down. Fuck. I knew I should've just told her what I was really doing yesterday. Kailyn was a sweet girl, she was stepped on a lot by boys in our school. The perfect girl everybody saw. But I saw the vulnerable, sweet innocent Kailyn. She always found a way to support everyone even when they didn't deserve it. I loved her. But she was dating my piece of shit Bestfriend. And then I had to deal with Tom. He owed me a lot of money which he paid in small amounts back, and now Nathan was targeting him for whatever reason. I've known Tom for a long time thank I'd like to admit. And now Charlie and him are close and I don't want shit to get bad. Nathan was bad news and hanging in a bad crowd. Last thing we need is Nate's south side gang coming for anyone. I worry a lot for Tom and now Charlie. She's my Bestfriend. I've always cared about her in ways I can't explain to now. Maybe I am jealous her and Thomas have gotten closer. I never thought of it like that. Their bond reminds me of how ours used to be. And maybe it does hit some jealousy in me. I missed that from her. And all because of me I pushed her away. But she's back now and I've never been happier. I hear a ding and I look at my phone seeing that Charlie sent me a message. I get out of bed heading downstairs and to the studio. Joining her for breakfast.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2020 ⏰

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