Chapter 6 - Robotics Fair

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Charlie's P.O.V

It was the weekend and the last day of school before winter break was yesterday. We had a pep rally, did some secret Santa things etc. It was finally the robotics fair and I was currently getting ready to go. It was a little after 8 o'clock. And I needed to be there before 9. I quickly throw my hair up in a hair tie. And put some light makeup on. I didn't want anything too crazy. I threw on jeans, a tank top with my tan cardigan. And some vans. Not too casual but acceptable. I head out towards the taxi I called. Locking the door behind me. Greeting a neighbor that walked by.

I head into the gym. It was crazy there was a lot of people all around. It was an exciting day. And I was so excited for Tom. Granted there was many good bots all around but his was extraordinary. He's worked so hard on it. I start to look around for that familiar face. As I head to a table to grab a flyer stating who had made bots and information on them including a paper for voting. I see far in the back that same brown haired boy I was with a few nights ago. Except he was dressed in a nice suit as everyone else was.

He looked hot. I was a little taken back by my thoughts. I was really starting to feel more towards him. But I wasn't sure if this was good or not. I walk towards him. He's setting things up in his booth. His backed turned towards me. "How's it going?" I say and it must've startled him cause he jumped. "Hey, uhm it's going." He says as he takes his bot out. I could tell he was nervous. Just by how he was stuttering and running his fingers through his hair. "Today's a good day, be proud of yourself." I say hoping to give him some comfort. He chuckles. "I'm proud of you." I say before walking away. He turns to look at me once again.

After an hour or so. The judges were walking around. I watched closely as they started to inch closer to Tom's booth. I knew if he didn't at least get something out of this he would be crushed. The judges finally start to walk towards him. His turn to be questioned. His time to shine. He's moving his arms all around as he speaks. I see him glance towards me. Noticing I was watching him. I quickly look away. Embarrassed he had seen I was looking. I head into the hall.

Sitting on the floor a few more hours passed. I was getting tired. And my phone was nearly dead. I see the art teacher walk by. "Charlie hi!" She says excited. I smile towards her. "Hi." She stops to talk. "How are you enjoying the robotics fair?" She asks. "It's going good, I'm just waiting now." She smiles. "Have you ever been to the art gallery down town New York?" I shake my head. "I haven't." She smiles. "We'll have to go one of these days, you'd love it." I nod. "I'm sure I would." "Listen I've got to go finish these last few grades but I'll see you after break, have a good Christmas." She starts to walk away. "Thanks you too." She turns around and waves.

It's late afternoon and everyone was packing up. Judges had left. I was pulling banners down and putting booths up and away. There was a lot of college opportunities here today. Head of the school boards from all over the world. We wouldn't find out who won until after break. I see Tom's booth was clear. Assuming he went to put his stuff away. I say my goodbyes to my fellow classmates and head outside towards his car. Heading out towards the parking lot I could see more than one body by his car but a couple. I wasn't sure what was going on. I could hear some shouting. All of a sudden I see something fly into the street and bust. I take a better look at the busted object. It was his robotics project. I'm finally close enough to see the boys walk out from behind the car. It was Nathan and a few guys I've never seen before. "Nathan, what the fuck is going on!" I shout in anger. He looks at me. Noticing I was there. The look in his eyes was pure evil and didn't give me a good feeling. "I'll tell you what's up, this little shit here..." I cut him off. "You better get the fuck outta here right now Nathan." He starts to walk towards me. "And if I don't what will you do?" He taunts. "I'll tell your dad what you've been doing around here, taunting other students, getting into trouble, beating your girlfriend." This gets him angry. He nods. "Fine, were done here anyways, just so your aware I do know more than you think and your little boyfriend over there isn't what he seems." He says sternly. They walk away. Towards his car. I quickly pick up the pieces of toms robot broken on the ground. It was busted but hopefully fixable.

I walk to his car and to the back. He's on the ground just sitting there. "Fuck them." He says. I could hear the hatred in his voice. "Tom, it's okay we can..." he cuts me off. "He's a piece of shit and so is Landon." "They think it's fun to fuck with anyone who they think is lower than them." He was full on ranting. "And they.." he gets up. I see his face. His nose was bleeding and his face was a light pink. "They treat women like shit." "They treat you like your nothing, you deserve so much more than you know." He looks at me. I can feel my heart racing. "Thomas.." I can feel myself becoming emotional. He shakes his head. "Fucking pieces of shit." He looks down at my arms. I have the pieces of his bot. He runs his hands through his hair. "And they just ruined one of the good things going for me." Sadness runs through his words. I put the robot into the trunk of his car closing it. I turn to him. "Fuck them, you did amazing." "You can do bigger and better for your next one, this was a prototype a temporary one." He scratches the back of his neck. He nods. "Come on." He says and goes to get in the car as so do I.

We get to his house. His parents weren't home. Which wasn't unusual. He sits on the bar stool. I head into the main bathroom to grab a few things. I head back out into the kitchen. Setting the first aid kit on the counter with a tampon. His nose kept blessing. Putting my finger on his chin to lift up slightly. I clean his nose. Giving him the tampon to put in the right nostril. Throwing away the cotton pads and tampon packaging. He's quiet. Which didn't make me feel uncomfortable but it didn't make me feel comfortable. "Tom." He looks up at me. "Want to watch Star Wars?" He smiles. "Yeah, that'd be nice." He says and gets up heading into the living room. I sit down and he sits beside me and puts his legs up on my lap. Which causes me to giggle. "Really?" He lets out a little chuckle. "Just accept it." I shake my head. He scrolls to the first movie.

The credits for the second movie of the series rolls as I wake up. I was resting on Toms shoulder. Tom had fallen asleep. I was extremely tired but only dozed for a few minutes. Trying to stay awake to watch the movie. I didn't want to wake Tom to get up. I grab my phone beside me. Seeing I had a text from Kailyn. We hadn't talked much since the party and only exchanged a few words in class.

Kailyn : Hey when you have a chance could we talk? I really need to speak to you.

To Kailyn: I'm all yours, what's up?

I get a quick response.

Kailyn: I know it's been a while since we've last talked. But Nathan hasn't called me all week and I haven't seen him. I'm honestly so worried about him.

Kailyn: He also when we last spoke talked about Landon and you.

I'm startled at her response. I had seen Nathan today and he was attacking Tom.

To Kailyn: I saw him today after the robotics fair. It wasn't a great run in. I caught him in the middle of a fight with Tom. He seemed very angry earlier.

Kailyn: Listen, I know this may come off a little scary. But please watch out for yourself. I know Nathan has been getting involved with some shady people lately. I tend not to pry on it. Also he spoke about your friend Tom, I didn't hear much but he was definitely targeting him.

I didn't like where this was leading. For the life of me I couldn't understand why Nathan always targeted Tom and I.

To Kailyn: I'll be careful thank you for reaching out. I hope Nathan and you talk soon. Let's hang over break?

I don't get a response assuming she probably went to bed or other things. I feel Tom move abit. "Hey sleeping beauty." I joke. He mumbles something and groans. "Your the beauty." He says as he starts to wake up. I shake my head. "Don't turn the lights on, you may change your mind." "I look more like the wicked witch from wizard of Oz." He chuckles. "Not possible." He looks at my phone noticing I was texting Kailyn. "Who you been texting?" He gets up stretching. "Kailyn, she texted me about Nathan, and we just talked about girl stuff." I lied. Well I half lied. Only not to worry Tom. He had a lot going on. I didn't want to add to his plate. "Oh, alright." He says and turns the tv off. We head upstairs. He sits on his bed plugging his phone in. "Hey I forgot to ask, I have a Christmas party coming up next weekend and was wondering if you'd want to go?" I chime. He types away on his phone. Looking up and over to the other side where I was sitting. "Yeah, I don't see why I couldn't go." I smile. "Good, it'll be fun." With that we get ready for bed.

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