Chapter 15 - And That Was It.

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Everyone had left that night, leaving you to close up on your own. No, you'd never done it on your own before, but Owen called out, leaving you to carry the torch by yourself.

Your boss, Mike, was the last one to leave, waddling out of his office like a fat penguin and practically coughing out a lung. He stopped in the main area before leaving, turning towards you.

"You got the keys to lock up?" he grumbled.

You nodded, holding them up so he could see.

"Good, good..." He made his way to the exit, pulling his jacket on. "Now, you got a lot of work to do. Gather the plates, wash 'em. Then vacuum the carpet. You gotta put all the seats upside down on the tables before you do that, though. Clean up the counters, mop the kitchen... and I think that's it."

"Yup, yup. I got it," you assured.

Mike mumbled a few more directions, but you were sure they weren't important. He pulled his hat on, making his way out of Pogo's.

You tip-toed towards the exit, peering out the small window in the door to make sure he was totally gone.


You wiped your forehead, slinging a small towel over your shoulder. There was a long night ahead of you, that was certain — but honestly you didn't mind. There were no co-workers to pester you, no boss to throw orders at you, and no customers to keep happy. You could put on the TVs and some music, just focusing on your cleaning. And the best part of it was — you'd get paid for every minute.

You took the remote from behind the bar, switching on the TVs and muting them. You picked up a small radio from under the counter, switching through the channels until you found one that played hits of the 50s and 60s.

"It's all coming together," you happily whispered to yourself. You tied your hair into a ponytail, resting your fists on your hips. You were ready to tackle the night.

But it felt like you were forgetting something...

You remembered hugging Arthur last night before heading back home to rest. He hugged you so tightly, you swore he'd break your ribs. You couldn't imagine what must've been going through his mind. The guilt he must've felt. You didn't want to leave him alone, but you had to.

He called you the next morning, before you headed off to work.

"Hey..." his voice croaked through the grainy speaker.

"Arthur, how are you? Did you sleep? You're still at the hospital?"

"I'm okay... My mom is... Well she's okay. She's okay. I slept a little, but... yeah. I'm still here. You're going to work soon?"

You twisted your phone cord tightly around your finger.

"Yeah, why?"

"Oh... I was just wondering if you had time for breakfast or something. But it's okay. I'll just... I'll just have what the hospital hands out. It's alright."

You pressed your fingers over your temple.

"I'm sorry-"
"No, please. Don't be. You're getting off at the usual time tonight?"
"Yeah, I am."
"Okay. I'll be there to walk home with you then."

You chuckled into the phone. Even with his mother in the hospital, Arthur wanted to make sure you were safe. There were no words to describe how grateful you were for his friendship.

"Sounds good."

You slapped your forehead. With Owen calling out, there was no way you'd be able to get out on time. It'd be an extra two hours, at least. Was Arthur already there?

If You Just Listened // Arthur Fleck x Reader // SLOWBURNWhere stories live. Discover now