post 19

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FrnkIro: yooooo we did an interview together! ! ! It was super rad and I think you should go check it out. We talked about our relationship and my music. We talked about Gees photography. We even talked about Gee starting some music. Might want to check it out ;)


GeeWay: You were literally so embarrassing its not even funny hmph 

FrankIro (Replying to GeeWay) :Yet youre still sitting next to me and begging to cuddle... 

User1: Okay number one ^^^ that shit is hella cute. Number 2, i need to find me someone to look at me the way that they look at each other

User2: I- I am at a loss of words

User3: So like, I know they probably havent said it to each other yet but, I think that they are both majorly in love with each other. You cant look at each other like that and tell me you arent in love. Its plain nonsense. 

User4: ^^^ Okay thank god im not the only one thinking that

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