10 Years

139 24 14

 10 Years

You have a sister

Her name is Paige

She has your beautiful

blue eyes

I know you never will,

but it would be nice

if someday,

you both met

A mother’s dream

I know I have no right

to wish such things,

but I still feel 

a connection to you

I am married now

I am happy


I still cry,

I still feel guilty

If I had only been older


If only my life had not been

such a mess

But that is the past

I know

I don’t get a second chance

I hope you are a happy little girl


at 10 years old

I find it easier to accept 

my happiness


that you are happy, too

Be happy

Please be happy

We both deserve to be happy

I will say “Hi”

to Paige for you

I miss you still

May 7, 2013

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