16 Years

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 16 Years

A young girl

just down the street

killed herself last night

My friend told me

she was a cutter

I didn’t know what that meant

When she explained

I was terrified

She said

it was very common

She was the same age as you are now


I have always hoped 

and prayed

that someday

we will meet

The adoption agency told me

they could do nothing

The records are sealed

until you are 18

Only then

if you want

you can find out about me

I hope you are safe

I wish I was there

to protect you

I pray

your new parents are

It scares me that something

could happen to you

and I

would never know

I guess

I have no rights

I gave those up

years ago


that doesn’t stop me

loving you

If I knew then

what I know now

If I knew

that my life would

work out the way it has

If I knew I could make a

wonderful mother



that’s my cross to bear

I will send this note

to the adoption agency

As I have been doing every year

since I let you go

I only hope that


you will read these


you will understand

What I did

I did

for You

May 14, 2013

I do This for YouOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant