What I do I do for you

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What I do I do for you

It’s been 8 years

Since that day 

I held you in my arms

8 years

Since we both cried

Both looked into each others


Became as one

8 years since that


Mother’s Day


You came back into my life

Never to leave again

I just wanted to 

See you

Know you were all right

Know you were safe

I got all of that

And more

So much more

We have become a family

Not just you

But your 

Mom and Dad too

You are the connection

Now I sit here

On your

Wedding Day

Trying to tell you what you mean to me

What having you in my life

Means to me

What having you




Means to me


With your Mom and Dad

I will give you away

Once again

So that you can

Begin a new 

Chapter of your life

As a wife and Mother

What I do

I do for you

So you can continue to have the life

You so deserve

I love you Jenny

I always have

Thank you

June 14, 2013

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