the one where it's CHRISTMAS

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"mama, daddy! wake up!" a group of voices exclaimed, causing tony and stephen to groan.

tony threw his pillow onto his face as stephen sat up, only to be met with morgan sitting on him.

peter and harley stood at the end of the couple's bed.

all three of them had massive grins.

"what time is it?" stephen asked, rubbing his eyes.

"who cares about the time!? it's christmas eve!" harley cheered.

stephen sighed, looking at the clock next to him.


"oh, it's not that early. still, i'm suprised that you boys are up at this time." he said, watching as morgan climbed on tony.

"it's christmas eve, of course we're up early." peter told stephen.

"daddy, wake up." morgan patted her father's pillow.

tony just grumbled.

"come on, tony. it's christmas eve." stephen chuckled, lifting the pillow off his fiancé's head.

tony frowned as he stared up at stephen.

"can't christmas eve wait another 10 more minutes...?" tony muttered.

"nope." peter chirped, as stephen jumped out off the bed.

the sorcerer pulled the blankets off tony, causing the engineer to whine.

"tony." stephen stroked tony's cheek.

tony hummed, melting into stephen's touch.

"alright, i'm coming." tony sighed.

"yay!" morgan grabbed onto tony's hand and pulled him out the room.


vision smiled as he watched the kids and his parents walk into the kitchen.

nebula waved at her family, whilst ultron growled at them.

"good morning. i have made breakfast for you all." vision gestured to the table.

"thanks vis." tony patted vision shoulder, before sitting at the table.

they all sat in a comfortable silence, quietly eating their breakfasts.

"FRIDAY, play all i want for christmas is you x crank that soulja boy." harley said, breaking the silence.

"sorry, what?" tony raised an eyebrow as peter and harley giggled.

"playing all i want for christmas is you x crank that soulja boy" FRIDAY said.

the song started of normally, causing stephen and tony to glance at each other in confusion.

"this song sounds like the ori-" tony started.

"all i want for christmaaaaas iiiiisss....YOOOOOOU! SOULJA OFF IN THIS OOOOHH!" harley and peter sang.

"there it is." tony sighed.


"good to see that you guys are here for christmas." steve smiled at the family.

"uncle steve." morgan chirped, running over to hug the super soldier.

"hey, morgan." steve hugged the girl back.

"you guys still haven't put the decorations?" tony shook his head. "christmas day is literally tomorrow, rogers."

"we've been busy." steve sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2019 ⏰

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