EPISODE THREE / moonflower

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"I got serious munchies. Any chips left?"

Juli watched the drifters bicker amongst themselves. She sat between Sean and Finn and leaned back with a can of beer tucked next to her arm. She caught herself thinking about how disappointed Dad would be if he caught her drinking irresponsibly. How ironic. What a shame, she thought drily as she sipped from the top.

"Dude, you scarfed the whole fucking bag," Hannah said in answer to Penny's question. She held a cigarette in her right hand. Her attitude and position made Juli think of a mafia boss' wife. Badass. Wish I could be like her. "Have another hit."

Penny seemed to enjoy Hannah's perspective. "Yeah, yeah. I packed a fat bowl." He grabbed the bong and started to light it. In the background, Cassidy strummed her guitar and sang quietly under her breath, a peaceful smile lighting up her face.

"Are you getting tired, babe?" Ingrid asked Anders. The Swedish lovebirds sat across from Juli and behind the fire, Anders leaning against his girlfriend's leg. He replied to her in Swedish, a mumbled phrase that Juli (of course) couldn't understand.

Penny looked up at the sky, his jaw slack. "Whoa. You see that shit? It's a fucking UFO! I'm serious man, look!"

Finn humored Penny and looked up at the sky as he took another hit from his blunt. "They're finally coming to take you back!"

Juli and Cassidy made eye contact. Juli took another sip of alcohol to remember what the words to the song were. Cassidy had forced her to help her write one, and it seemed that this was her time to shine. She cleared her throat and sang in harmony with Cassidy.

"I took a piece of the puzzle; I took a souvenir.."

She held her hands over her face and sighed into them. Out of the corners of her eyes, she could see Finn and Sean looking between her and Cassidy, smiles on their faces and their postures relaxed. Everyone around the fire looked...calm.

"I took both roads, everywhere they went; Now something's gotta give..."

She looked over at Daniel. The kid made eye contact with her and she winked at him. Daniel giggled and gave her a poorly mimicked wink back.

"If living...Is giving...I'm ready...I'm willing."

Cassidy strummed the last note. Juli looked around at everyone and saw the same dazed look in their eyes as Sean had all those months ago. She cleared her throat again and everyone snapped out of it. They clapped, and Sean reached over to put a hand on her shoulder.

"Tripped on a few words," Cassidy admitted as she put her guitar down, "but y'all are baked, so I'm good."

"Good job, girls," Finn said.

"So beautiful," Hannah added. "Juli, you have mad fuckin' talent. Where did that come from?"

She shared a knowing look with Sean and Daniel. "It's just kind of been there. Or, the obvious answer...practice, I guess."

"Damn. Why ain't you two rich and famous?" Penny demanded. "I mean, you can hook us up." Juli and Cassidy laughed and gave each other air high-fives over the fire.

"I love your guys' voices," Sean said.

Cassidy giggled. "Meow," she teased, moving her hand like a paw. Juli blew a fake kiss at Sean. "Thanks, everyone! I take ass, cash, or grass. Ahem. Hint, hint."

Finn nudged her. "Juli...take a puff and pass it to our friends."

Juli glanced over at Sean and Daniel. Daniel grinned and nodded while Sean just kind of shrugged. "Okay," she said. She pinched it between her fingers and took a hit. As she let it out, she shuddered and passed it to Sean. "God fuck."

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