Pokemon- Headcannon

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My personal headcannon about the pokemon games is that all the champions are related (Generations 1, 2, 3, 5, 5.5, 7, and 8). Their parents emmigrated from a place called "the Otherworld" due to attacks from a legendary beast, The Ultra. Eventually their parents settled down, got married, and had kids.

These are the families and the ages of the kids in comparison to one another. (Parent from Otherworld is listed first.) Dead members of the family are bolded and captured ones are highlighted. Feel free to switch around the genders so it fits the way you played the game. X means that they played through the game. Y means they went on a journey.

Robert and Melissa
Cyan-22 Y
Red-20 X

Darrel and Leanne
Crystal-17 X
Lyra-12 X

Caroline and Norman
Ruby-18 X

Katherine and Matthew
Hilda-15 X

Daniel and Samantha
Rosa-12 X

Ross and Naomi
Sun-13 Y
Moon-10 X

Kaitlyn and Lucas
Gloria-8 X

Basically, my main fanfic is about Moon (who is mute and has amnesia) trying to save her family and getting in touch with a few of her cousins.

Random Stuff (Including My Kitten in a Cone of Shame)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora