Plutonian Colony AU Oneshot that will never be finished

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Feel, don't think, a man reminded himself. He was backed into a corner with nothing except his piece of metal. He had been in and out of these rings for a while. He had the muscle memory of almost a hundred fights. He thought about why he was doing this. He thought about why he was fighting the robots.

Adam. He could see Adam's face. He had to get Adam out. To get Adam out, he had to survive.

He closed his eyes. He took a deep breath. He held out his... crowbar? He heard the robot move. He sprung up close.

Metal clashed. Shouts rung out through the arena. The man fell on the ground. He struggled to get up. He took out the robot. He collapsed.

He went to the medical room. He was experimented on. His arm was taken and replaced with a dangerous prosthetic. He learned how to use his arm as a weapon. He learned how to fight.

He wanted to get out. He never wanted to fight again. He wanted to lock himself in a room. He wanted to hide from existence. But, he didn't. He had to save Adam. He owed it to the Holts to get them out. He owed it to little Katie. He owed it to Veronica, who had dreams of getting her whole family in space. He needed to find all 49 other member of the mission.


He was exhausted. He was upset. He hated killing aliens. It was wrong. They were prisoners, too. But, he had to free his friends. He had to make sure that they would get out.

"Champion," he heard.

It was English! Not the broken, translator English, but actual English! "Who are you?"

The figure tilted his head. "I suppose you could call me Yorak."

"I am Takashi Shirogane," the man replied.

Yorak dropped his mask. He looked human. He looked like a very confused, hopeless human. "How are you here? My father said you... he said Earth was free."

Takashi was perplexed. "Who was your father? You look familiar."

Yorak smiled sadly. "That's not important. I have been sent to free the prisoners. I need you to help me get them out."

Takashi stared at him. Finally! He could get Adam out! "Come with me, I'll show you to the barracks."

Yorak nodded, "Wonderful."

They freed all of the prisoners on the ship. Neither Adam nor the Holts were on the ship. There were only 3 humans other than Takashi and Yorak.

They were loaded onto a Galra cruiser. They were in the cargo hold. Yorak was the pilot. There was a Galra sitting next to him in the Copilot's seat. There was another guarding the cargo hold.

A sentry boarded.

"Cargo Transport 32697-b requesting takeoff permission," Takashi and the prisoners heard.

The sentry stomped around. It came close to the cargo hold. "Commander Sendak would like to board."

Yorak agreed to this and Commander Sendak inspected their ship. He asked to see the cargo hold.

The prisoners froze. This was it. They were dead. Yorak was dead. The other Galra helping them were dead.

Commander Sendak was close. They heard a door open. They closed their eyes. No one came in. They heard laughter. They were very confused.

"Ah, I was worried you were doing something illegal. Seems you just have a full load of medical supplies and cloth. Oh, are those wines!? Very nice."

"Yes, they are, in fact, wines. I suppose it wouldn't hurt if you sampled one. Would you like to try one?"

After intoxicating the Government official, they took off. They got pretty far before anything interesting happened.

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