Krolia and Her Kits

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Krolia had five kits. Three sons and two daughters. The only strange part was how she acquired those kits.

When she was a young girl, Krolia dreamed of having a nice big family. She herself had two littermates, an older sister and a younger brother. Taulal could be a prick, but Krolia loved her sister. Thace was the best little brother one could ask for.

She had wonderful memories of her siblings growing up. They shared everything together. Despite the war that was constantly going on, they had security.

Their mother had been killed when they were young. An attack led by Warlord Ranvieg had broken into the camp where they had lived while her father was away at war. Their mother had been one of the first into action and had passed from her wounds shortly after the battle.

Krolia had used that to fuel her through the ranks after she grew old enough to enlist in the army. 14 was the age where they accepted cadets. She and Thace had enlisted immediately. Taulal joined in a year later.

It wasn't what she expected. The war was even more brutal than what she had been taught growing up. In training, she was taught anatomy of all the major races and a few minor. She learned what would kill any of those races. She learned how to follow orders, despite the fact that she didn't agree with them.

She also learned to pick up small bits of data and collect them over time. Like how the one teacher advocated diplomacy before conquering the planet. Or how some of their history was censored or classified.

Or how one of the teachers kept following her around.

It was Gren Jarrak. Krolia had not decided her opinion of him. When she confronted him about it (after telling her littlermates and grabbing a knife), he smiled.

"I would like to recruit you for treason."

That was very blunt. And very appetizing.

"If you would like to know more, meet me at these coordinates on the third quintant of next movement."

Krolia gave no reaction except a slight nod. She would decide what to do about that later. Now, she had siblings to talk to.

She had taken her littermates with her to the meeting. They were shocked, but made no move to stop them. At 17, the three of them joined the Blade of Marmora. They had to keep up their training as both members of the Empire and the Blade of Marmora. It was taxing, but it brought them closer together in ways that had not imagined.

They started splitting up more as they aged. Thace had the first long undercover mission. It took him 5 Pheobs, a standard rotation in the military. He had given the information to the Blade, but had not blown his cover. Taulal had the next one, but Krolia had not seen her return, as she had been assigned to her own.

The scientists had discovered traces of the metal that made up the Voltron Lions. They had built scanners that should be able to track down the Lions.

She had been assigned to the party tracking the Blue Lion.

It had not gone as planned. At all. For starters, they had actually found the Blue Lion. That was the first problem. Second was the fact that her ship was falling apart. Third was that she was not as good of a pilot as her brother and that definitely showed when she crashed onto a planet that they had yet to make contact with.

So yeah, not good.

And then she woke up in the arms of a man of a primitive species.

She may have tried to stab him.

Random Stuff (Including My Kitten in a Cone of Shame)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora