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It is now Christmas and the Danvers-Rose family are all gathered in the DEO conference room. Mainly because Kara and Lena have been missing for a few days now. Marley thinks they're eloping, Alex and J'onn think they've been abducted, and Eliza doesn't know what to think, she just knows to worry.

"Don't worry, they're fine! They're probably off on a tropical island somewhere and Kara is flying them back now just in time for Christmas," Marley reassures the group with confidence.

Just then, a flash of red and blue were seen flying through the DEO balcony and landed hard on the floor. Everyone in the conference room rushed to the scene and the first this everyone sees is a unconscious, tortured, bleeding Kara. They then look down and see a barely awake Lena mumbling something while in Kara's arms.
Alex bent down to listen closely to hear what Lena is saying. What she makes out from Lena's mumbles are, "She could've died.... I told them to stop but they wouldn't... Cadmus.. Stupid..." and then she passes out in Kara's injured arms.

8 hours later-
Kara is right now be drenched in yellow sunlamps as Alex watches over her and Lena is awake and getting stitched up by Marley because she insisted on doing it. As Alex was watching Kara, Kara slurred to life and the first thing she says is, "My head hurts like hell, Alex, Alex, what happened out there and how long have I been out?" "Well you've been out 8 days, and you and Lena went missing for a few days before that. You was holding her in your arms when you crash landed in the DEO." "Oh" is all Kara responds with. "Can you go check on Lena for me? Oh! Is Marley here yet?" Kara says suddenly. "Yeah she's been here for a couple days." "Send her in please?" All Alex does is nod a little and smile.

Lena's Room-
Alex comes up behind Marley and whisper asks her how Lena is doing. "She's doing fine right now at least. She just hasn't said anything." Marley whispers back. "Well I can take over, Kara wants to see you." "Kara?!" Lena cuts Marley off before she could say anything. Both Alex and Marley look at Lena with surprise. "Yes Lena, Kara, Kara is under sunlamps and is awake now, she wanted me to come see how you're doing and to send Marley in there with her," Alex explains to an upset Lena. "Ok, may I go see her when you're done with the stitches?" "Yes Lena, you can go see Kara when we're done the stitches." "Ok. Marley you can go." Lena says. Marley runs off.

Kara's room-
Marley walks in Kara's room and says hi then sits in the chair Alex once sat in, in front of Kara's bed. "Hey, Kar, how you doin?" "Im better it just hurts on my side." "Mind if I check it out?" "Yeah, go ahead"
Marley gently lifts Kara up on her said and sees a glowing yellow-green. "Im no doctor, but it looks like a type of kryptonite. Andddd it's effecting me now." Just then, Marley falls on her knees while trying to hold herself up. Kara presses a small blue button on the edge of her bed and Alex and J'onn came rushing in to see Marley struggling to stay up and Kara holding her side in pain and shock. "WHAT HAPPENED?!" both Alex and J'onn shout when they saw what had happened. "They.. put.. kryptonite.. in.. Karr-..." Marley then passes out. Alex hurries to check her pulse to see that she is still breathing and then shouts for everyone to also put her under sunlamps. J'onn checks Kara's vitals and sees that her heart rate is low and they turn up the sunlamps.

A few hours later-
Lena is now in Kara and Marley's room. Kara's is awake but Marley is still out. Lena is holding Kara's hand trying to comfort her before she freaks out. Marley wakes up then figures out what happened. "Hey.." Marley says as she wakes up, scaring both Kara and Lena. "Hey, Marls how are you feeling?" "Im good, I just have a little headache." "That happens a lot when you're affected by kryptonite." "I see." Alex then walks in to check on them. "Hey, you're awake." Alex smiles "Yeah, anyways, what type of kryptonite was that? It was yellow and green unlike regular kryptonite." "Yeah, it was like some type of Christmas kryptonite. I don't know, it was generated with elf matter.." Alex said. "So.. like dark matter but made by elves?" Lena asked.
"Yeah, basically." Just then Maggie and Kitty walked in. "Hey babe, little Danvers, little Luthor, Rose." Maggie says when she walks in. "Hey babe, Kara, Lena, Alex." Kitty also says. "Hey" Alex and Marley both say to their girlfriends. "What happened to little Danvers and Rose?" Maggie asks. "Kryptonite," everyone except Kitty and Maggie responds.

A couple hours later-
Kara and Marley are now out the DEO hospital beds and are now at Kara's loft and they had just got finished decorating the christmas tree (song on top) and they are now playing Monopoly and Alex and Maggie are winning. Just then, a portal, like the ones that open when the Earth-1ers come, opens in the living room, stopping them from playing Monopoly and draws their attention to the portal. Kara and Marley are ready to attack anyone or thing that comes through the portal, Alex and Maggie pulls their guns out, and Kitty and Lena go to the back of the room because they have no superpowers or weapons. All of the sudden a bunch of glitter comes through the portal and in comes a flash of red and white. Kara screams out "BARRY?!" but no one answers. The blur of red and white swirls around the tree and then zooms back into the portal then closes if before any of them could follow it. Everyone then sees a mysterious green and yellow glow from the living room table and sees that its the kryptonite form earlier. "Hey guys, I know its weird the kryptonite is in the loft all of the sudden but you might want to look at this," Kitty said getting distracted by something else.
The group then travels over to the christmas tree to see a bunch of presents and beer bottles and alien gin under the tree. On the side of the tree there was a sign saying 'From: The one and only, Merry Christmas.'

In the end they all exchanged the gifts that 'Santa' brought and the ones they originally planned to give out and had a happy night drinking beer and alien gin and playing board games.

Omg like I said last chapter, its been sooo long. I know alot of people make this excuse but its true, school is out of pocket and them teachers give us too much homework and too many quizzes. Anyway im going to try and update more. No promises though. Ps. there definitely will be a new years chapter. That will be coming out soon!!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2019 ⏰

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