Chapter Two: Fight But You Lose

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Yay! Another story! I'm too lazy to upload but it's uploaded now! Thanks if you are reading this there's nothing i could say now. *UwU*

art by me.

- with love and hate, hope and despair

-Catter V.

"I'm waiting now." You said.

He doesn't response.

"I said, i'm waiting!" You shouted angrily.

He was picking from his pocket and you saw a gun, then points the gun from you.

"What the fucking fuck?! That's the most UNFAIR I EVER SEEN! But... Since i remembered something...." You said.

"What is it, dearie~? Your hopeless than i ever seen!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!" He laughed.

You pick something on your F/C bag.....

A hatchet. It's your birthday gift from your little sister, she said that you should try self-defence. But it was totally gone wrong. She was overprotective to you but still, your lucky you had a hatchet.

"Huh?! How the hell did you get that?!" He questioned.

"I told you, i'm waiting." You dodged his question, then you smirked.

"Since guns have limited ammo i'll take it to the test. Now, hows it feel like having a limited ammo, Cookies and cream~? HAHAHA!!" You teased him.

He growled. Then shoots the gun from you, still he missed it.

"I bet you can't even shoot, hehehe." You explain.

You swung you hatchet from his head, you failed but, there's a scarf from his face with pink blood on it.

"Heh. Seems like you don't know how to slaughter something, hahahaha!!" He teased you.

"At least you had a little damage on your face!" You giggled.

After much shooting even though he missed. He ran out of ammo.

You then put the hatchet from his neck, then leaned against him, which made him blushed visibly.

"Ooooo!!! Someone likes Y/N... Seems like Atua, will gives them a beautiful love!" Someone's voice teased Monokuma, It was the Atua worshipper, Angie Yonaga. (the tan and white haired girl if you don't remember her name).

"Shut up!!" Monokuma shouted as he stopped blushing.

"You lose this time, Fucktard!" You laughed.

He was annoyed with pleasure, which makes you confused.

Until the Monokubs pop out of nowhere.

"Rise and Shine, Ursin- Whoa! Hold on there Dad!" They said in unison.

Monotaro and Monodam gripped your arms, then puts behind your back.

"S-stop it, Y/N! You can't kill him!" Monotaro explained.

"What the?! Let go of me!!" You said.

"....." Monodam ignored you.

"Ah, looks like you lose, Y/N!" He laughed loudly.

"Now, i win! I will make my decision now! Upupupupu~!" He weirdly laughed, again...

"Since i just want you to know you MORE better. I would like to......." He said with an oh-so-fucking wide big smile on his face.

"Destroy your dorm, Leave it, Go to my office, explain why, then let's be a roommates!!!" He decided, which makes someone jealous.

Who knows? You don't notice him either.

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