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THE AFTERNOON AIR WAS SOOTHINGLY COOL, the sky a tapestry of soft blue and fluffy marshmallow clouds

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THE AFTERNOON AIR WAS SOOTHINGLY COOL, the sky a tapestry of soft blue and fluffy marshmallow clouds. Surprisingly, the benches outside the train station were rather comfortable to lounge on while you waited for your friends.

You leaned back against the smooth birch wood. Everything had been so fast paced lately that you hadn't had time to just sit and relax in quite a while. You took a moment to immerse yourself in your thoughts.

An always lurking thought sprung to the front. You liked Uraraka. Hell, anyone could see it. Besides her. But what to do about it?

You'd agreed to help Midoriya get with her; you'd regretted it instantly but you weren't going to renege on your word. With no idea what Uraraka's sexuality was, it was all in her hands now.

Going back to the unusual conversation you'd had in the locker rooms some time ago, all you could do was hope Mina's very strong suggesting was trur.

"Y/n-chan!" A voice called from an close distance with a thrilled uplifting lilt. The girl speaking was none other than your best friend; right on time.

Your heart skipped a beat. Uraraka was stunning, as always. She wore a breathtaking beam, her eyes crinkled at the sides from the motion. However, you were quick to avert your gaze. As gorgeous as your friend was, you were only going to cause yourself pain by taking it in.

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