You're Not Alone Kid

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It was during training that Aizawa began to become concerned. 

It wasn’t as if he hadn’t been before, because he had, but this time, it was easier to catch. 

Shinsou had been fine the weeks before, a little pause here and there, and a little out of breath here and there also, but Aizawa was never surprised due to the fact Shinsou was training. 

But as Aizawa’s and Shinsou’s sparing session went on, Shinsou’s breath got heavier and heavier until he had to put up a hand just before Aizawa was going to attack him once more. Aizawa immediately stops his movement, his capture weapon freezing in mid-air. Aizawa furrows his brows, confused, but nonetheless concerned. He calls his weapon back to him and walks toward Shinsou. 

“What’s wrong?” Aizawa asks and Shinsou shrugs. 

“Just…a tad…out of” Aizawa watches as Shinsou’s shallow breathing becomes quicker as he places a hand on his chest. “Breath.” Aizawa places a hand on Shinsou’s shoulder and leads him over to a place to sit down. As the two sit as Shinsou catches his breath, Aizawa tries to probe information out of him. 

“What have you been eating lately? Have you been exercising as I said?” Shinsou just shrugs and Aizawa sighs. “Come on, kid. You have to work with me here. This is the first time this has happened and I hope it’s the last. A villain won’t stop fighting you just because you’re out of breath.” Shinsou sighs, still a little out of breath, but otherwise fine.

“I know.” Aizawa looks Shinsou up and down and realizes that his breathing is no longer coming from his chest, but rather his stomach. Even so, his breathing is still labored, as if something was restricting it. 

“Is there something wrong with your chest?” Aizawa pokes Shinsou’s side and the boy grunts in pain, flinching away from Aizawa. He raises a brow and pulls his hand back. “Shinsou, what happened? Did you get into a fight I don’t know about or is something else wrong?” 

“Nothing’s wrong.” Shinsou bites out but immediately deflates. “Can we just end it here today?” Aizawa sighs, but nods.

“Fine, but I’m taking you to Recovery Girl before we go home.” Aizawa can tell Shinsou is bitting back a reply, but instead of fighting it, he just nods. 


As the two enter Recovery Girl’s office, Shinsou walks to a bed and sits down. Recovery Girl looks over to Aizawa for an explanation, but he just shrugs. “Chest.” Recovery Girl rolls her eyes and walks towards Shinsou and shuts the curtain behind her. Aizawa tries to listen as Shinsou tries to argue about something, but the man can't quite make out what the boy was saying. He also hears Recovery Girl scolding him for something before opening the curtain back up. 

“I hope I don’t see you here again for this same issue. Change.” Aizawa catches an ashamed looked on Shinsou before the curtain is closed again. Aizawa looks toward Recovery Girl for an explanation, but the woman frowns. “Not my place to say. Shinsou,” she says, raising her voice slightly. “You will tell Aizawa or I will.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He says as he opens the curtain, head hanging low, making sure not to look at Aizawa. Aizawa stands and opens the door for Shinsou and the two walk out of Recovery Girl's office. Walking down the empty halls of UA, Aizawa makes sure not to look at Shinsou, knowing it would probably make the boy more uncomfortable than he looks now. 

“What was it?” Aizawa doesn’t probe when Shinsou doesn’t reply. Aizawa can tell Shinsou is trying to get it out but it’s just not going so well. Aizawa lets him take his time and the two are just about to Aizawa’s car when Shinsou speaks up. 

“I’m trans,” Shinsou says in a rush, not making an effort to look at Aizawa. When Aizawa doesn’t probe, Shinsou starts to speak. “I… was binding. Um, unsafely?” Shinsou fidgets with his fingers and Aizawa looks over at him when they reach the car. “I’m on T, its just…I haven’t gotten top surgery and I… my binder broke last week and it was one specifically made for me a while ago from a friend I knew because she knew I was trans because she is and she knew a guy who made binders for pro’s who are trans so she got me one and it broke so I panicked and-“ Aizawa places a hand on Shinsou’s shoulder before pulling him into a hug as he shakes slightly. “I didn’t know what to do.” He sniffs out, burying his face in Aizawa’s chest, clinging to the man. Aizawa lets him stay there, knowing the poor boy probably needed it. 

“Well, for starters, you should have told me. Have you ever met a trans pro?” Aizawa asks. He feels Shinsou shakes his head no. “Yes, you have.” Aizawa smiles slightly as Shinsou pulls back to look at Aizawa confused. Then it clicks and his eyes go wide. 

“You?” Aizawa nods. 

"And I’m a reason those binders are a thing. I used them until I was about twenty and could afford top surgery.” Aizawa smiles as Shinsou opens his mouth to say something, but it doesn’t quite come out. “I’ll be getting you a new binder, then, tomorrow. I’m sure that we can get some things updated so it doesn’t break as fast and is more breathable and flexible, alright? You don’t have to go through this alone kid.” Shinsou nods, wiping the rest of the tears away. “Let’s go home.” 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2019 ⏰

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