Driving and Walking

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8:00 PM

"It's finally time to head to the event! Let's go to the garage!" Terren said. Mary and Océane followed after. They were all dressed in nice clothes. Océane was dressed in a long dark blue long sleeved dress that covers her black high heels with white socks, Terren was dressed in a dark red tuxedo and black shoes, and Mary was dressed in a short puffy sleeved dark purple shirt, a dark purple frilly skirt, black mary janes, and white socks.
When they all got in the garage, they jumped into the car.
Then, Terren opened the garage, and drove into the driveway.
"Don't tell mom or dad! Also, I'M driving." Zoe said.
Audrey groaned.
Zoe was dressed in a frilly long sleeved green dress, white gloves, dark purple flats, and white socks. Audrey was dressed in a penguin outfit, with black penguin feet shaped shoes on.
Zoe and Audrey then jumped in the car. Zoe opened the garage door, and they drove out.
Suddenly, the car started swerving and flipping everywhere, and Zoe and Audrey started screaming!
The girls were screaming, as the car flipped and swerved onto the road.
"Alright, guys! Let's go to the mansion!" Hanako said. She was wearing her normal clothes.
"Finally! I've been waiting for hours!" Osana said. She was also wearing her normal clothes.
"Let's go!" Taro said. He was wearing his normal clothes aswell.
So, the 3 of them walked all together down the road.
"Come on, MC! Come on, MC! I'm so excited!" Sayori said, bouncing in the air. She was wearing a minty green long sleeved long dress, dark blue shoes, and white socks.
"Ok, Sayori! Let's follow those 3 people over there. They look almost the same age as us." MC said. He was wearing his normal clothes.
Then, the 2 friends walked down the road.
"Bye, mom!" Kokona called out to her mom. She was wearing a long light pink sleeveless strap dress with black mary janes, white socks, a white unzipped jacket, and a golden heart neckalace around her neck. Then, she walked out of the house, and walked down the road.
Meanwhile, in a forest, there was a blue fawn boy, Mune. He looked like the night sky.
As he was watching everyone walk onto the road, he started smiling.
He looked behind himself, which were his fellow night creatures, then he looked forward.
Then, he ran out of the forest, and onto the road.
Meanwhile, Kokona was walking down the road silently. Then, she turned around.
"What was that noise?" she wondered. Then, she turned back around and continued walking.
"AHH!" she screamed, as Mune jumped over her on all fours.
Mune continued running on all fours, very fast.
He jumped over MC and Sayori.
They screamed.
"HOLD UP, WAS THAT A DEER?" MC asked Sayori.
Mune continued running.
He jumped over Taro, Hanako, and Osana.
They screamed.
"WHAT WAS THAT?" Osana asked.
"I think it was a deer..!" Taro said.
"A baby, blue colored one!" Hanako said.
Mune continued running.
He jumped over Audrey and Zoe.
They screamed.
"DEEEEEEEER!" Audrey yelled.
"IT'S BLUE?!" Zoe yelled.
Then, they screamed even louder, as they crashed into tons of construction cones, construction fences, and a construction lift. Eventually, they crashed behind Mary's family's car and into some pink and red roses.
"Ugh.." Audrey groaned.
Zoe jumped up, and ran to the left of the curved road the opposite way the Dimples went, yelling, "NO CLEANSIES!"
"HEY!" Audrey yelled, running after Zoe.
Meanwhile, with Mary and her family, Mary looked confused.
"Did you see that grave back there? It said Emma Logan on it. And the guy who sent us an invitation to his mansion, his name is Jack Logan." Mary said.
Océane was about to speak up, but screamed, as Mune jumped over them.
"A DEER!" Océane yelled.
"A BABY ONE!" Terren said.
"Wait, was that deer blue? Why was it blue? That's odd.." Mary said.
Then, they drove across a big brown bridge, over some water.
"I can see the mansion!" Mary said.
Finally, they drove to the entrance. They parked in front of the house, and hopped out of the car.
Taro, Hanako, Osana, Sayori, MC, and Kokona walked over. They made it, too.
However, Audrey and Zoe were not there.
"Hey, where's Audrey and Zoe?" Mary asked.
"They probably didn't make it. I saw them crash their car and run off." Taro replied.
"Aren't they a little young to be driving?" Osana replied.
Mary shrugged, and went towards the door. The others did, too. Mune was hiding behind a bush next to the mansion, watching and waiting for the door to open.

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