Dungeons & Spiders

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When everyone fell, they all got back up and looked up.
"No no no no no!!!" Mune yelled, as the upper floor was creaking, as it was closing up.
Everyone looked forward, seeing a dungeon cell, and some fire turning on and off ahead of it.
"A dungeon under the mansion!?" Hanako said.
"Let's cross through carefully, hopefully this leads back outside!" Terren said.
Then, everyone opened the cell, and walked out. There was a fire machine going on. They waited for the fire machine to stop. Then, the fire stopped, and they ran through.
There was another fire, that stopped too, so Hanako decided to run through. Everyone else stayed. And it was right of them to do that, because the moment Hanako ran through, the fire turned on again!
And Hanako caught on fire.
Hanako stopped, dropped, and rolled, and she wasn't on fire anymore.
Everyone kept going through fire when it stopped, over and over.
Then, they jumped over spikes.
However, Osana stepped on the spikes.
"MY FOOOTTT!!!" she screeched.
Taro grabbed Osana's hand and pulled her off the spikes. Then, everyone jumped over another set of spikes.
And another one.
Then, they jumped over spikes, with the fire machine.
Unfortunately Osana caught on fire and stepped on the spikes. Hanako grabbed her and threw her off the spikes, causing Osana to roll over. Then, Osana wasn't on fire anymore. But her feet still hurted. Hanako and Taro carried Osana to the end of the dungeon. Everyone else made it, too.
"Let's get out of here!" Mune said, and climbed up the ladder. Océane nodded and followed after Mune. The others followed after Océane. Everyone was climbing up the ladder.
Eventually, they climbed to another room. It had a candle set up on each sides of the room, a brown table with a green book, a small little brown shelf with books inside of them, and a mouse hole. It looked pretty decent in the room, except that there was a spiderweb in the corner of the room.
Terren closed the ladder door after everyone climbed up.
"Well, we're not back outside, but at least-" Osana started, but turned around when she heard a noise coming from the mouse hole.
Just then, a big black spider crawled out of the mouse hole.
"Hey look a spider!" Sayori said.
Osana jumped back, but just stared at the spider, smiling.
"It's kinda cute!" Hanako said. Mary stared at Hanako and shook her head.
"It's not cute." Mary said.
Just then, Mune made a trill noise in confusion, as he heard more noises coming from the mouse hole.
Just then, a bunch of spiders crawled out of the mouse hole!
"OH NO!" Mune yelled.
Everyone was screaming, trying to step on the spiders. They weren't scared of a little bit of spiders, but a bunch was just too much for them.
"They're everywhere!!!" Sayori said.
The spiders were biting everyone that ran into them, and everyone tried getting on the shelf and table, but they broke both of them. So they just kept running around. Eventually Mune opened the door of the room and ran out.
Then, Mary noticed that the door was open.
"Let's get out of here!" she said, running out of the room. Everyone followed after her and ran out, too.

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