Escape the Mansion!

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When everyone ran out of the room door, they all shut it before any spiders could escape the room.
When they looked at the mansion's front door they entered in, it had wooden boards nailed all over it.
"Oh no! Zach boarded the front door shut!" Mary said.
"There must be some alternative way out." MC said.
Then, when they turned around, they saw the broken table from the time they started running. They also saw.. Kokona! She was dead. She has blood all over her, her left foot was ripped off from getting stuck to the table for too long, her hair was all messed up, and she had multiple stabbed holes on her.
"Oh, my gosh!" Mary said, covering her mouth. Everyone was covering their eyes, gasping.
Osana peeked at the door across the hallway, not looking at Kokona.
"There is one door left near the stairs that we didn't try, let's go!" Osana said, and ran towards the door she was looking at. Everyone followed, avoiding looking at Kokona.
Then, they all walked in the room, but however, Sayori couldn't stop staring at Kokona scaredly.
"Sayori, come on!" MC said.
"O-okay." Sayori said, but the moment she ran towards the door, it closed on her!
"NO!" Sayori said.
"HELP! I CAN'T GET IN! I'M STUCK IN HERE WITH A DEAD GIRL! HELP! NO! I DON'T WANNA BE IN HERE! HELP ME GET THIS OPEN!" Sayori yelled and cried, banging on the door.
"OH NO, Sayori's locked out!" MC said. Mary walked over to him and patted him on the shoulder.
"Sorry for your loss." she said.
"What? She's not dead. She's my friend and she's locked out with a dead person! And we're locked in here! Oh no.." MC said.
Everyone then walked over to the door slowly.
Then, Terren opened the door.
"Careful, Zach might be in here!" Oliver said as everyone followed him into a library like maze.
Mune looked over one of the library shelfs, and saw Zach roaming. Mune's eyes widened, and he hopped down from the shelf. Unfortunately, it caused the shelf to fall.
Zach heard the shelf fall, and walked over to it. Eventually he saw everyone and chased them with the bloody knife. He stabbed Terren in the arm! Terren fell down due to the pain.
"Dad!!!" Mary said, running away, and looking back.
Zach heard Mary and chased after her, but she caught up with other people. He eventually got tired and shot at everyone with the gun again. This time, it hit Mary in the ankle, Osana in one of her spike affected feet, (ouch) Taro in the big toe, Hanako in the thigh, MC in the palm hand, Mune in the leg, and Océane in the thumb.
They all fell down, but that didn't stop them from still crawling.
Zach was coming their way.
MC didn't know where to go, so he just hid in one of the shelves.
Hanako, Taro, and Osana got trapped in a corner due to some of the shelves closing. They all ducked and covered their heads, hoping not to be seen.
"Are we gonna die here? Is this where all of our journeys end?" Osana asked.
"I'm afraid so.." Hanako said.
"Goodbye, Hanako. Goodbye, Osana. At least we'll be in a place full of books. Lots and lots of nice books." Taro said.
"Well.. This is it.. I guess my adventure ends here.." MC said to himself.
Zach didn't find MC, Taro, Hanako, or Osana, and he was still looking for Mary and Océane. But he heard grunting behind him. It was Terren! Zach went up to Terren. Terren looked up, his eyes widened, and then, Zach stabbed Terren in the chest.
Meanwhile, Mune, Mary, and Océane got out of the library like maze at last. Then, they saw a door ahead of them.
"Come on! Before it's too late!" Mune said. Océane and Mary ran after him, and they all opened the door as fast as they could. Then, they ran outside, and closed the door shut.
After that, Mune ran away on all fours into the trees.
"Bye, little fawn.." Océane said, waving.
Bloody on the places where they got shot, hair messed up and dirty and some hair ripped off, tiny pieces of clothes burnt, ripped off, and clothes dirty, with dirty faces, Océane and Mary looked back at the mansion, and then ran all the way back home.
Some of their friends were still stuck in the mansion.
But in the end, a few of the guests escaped safely.
Escape time: 12:36 AM

The End.

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