Chapter 6 - The Youngest

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I refused to go back to the ballroom.

What was the point of stupid princess lessons if Dad knew my karate instructor certification was the most important thing to me? Why was I the one being punished for his lies?

I wasn't going to allow it. I was going to follow my own path.

And right now, that path was leading me around the castle vineyards.

Vineyards weren't something I saw often in my part of California. The good vineyards were all in Napa Valley, the place I always assumed rich people without kids went for vacation six times a year. I never would have put my family in the same category. Dad only bought wine once a year. Mom sold hideously expensive clothes, but she rarely bought them for herself.

But maybe there was a big castle somewhere in another country, storing massive amounts of alcohol and high heels.

Where was our kingdom, anyways? Did we even have one? What did it look like?

I shook it out of my brain. No way. No questions. I didn't care.

"That dress brings out your eyes. You have good taste, as always."

I looked around to find the voice I had just heard. It wasn't for me, right? No, I was wearing jeans.

On the other side of the rose bushes, Nikos smiled as he spoke with a girl wearing a short white and blue summer dress with a large straw hat. She smiled back at him, dropping her head demurely. He fumbled around in his coat pocket, then pulled out a small box.

"I saw these when I was in Taiwan," he continued, his voice low. "The man selling them, he said — well, he said a lot of things — but he said they were inspired by cherry blossoms. You like cherry blossoms, so ... um ..."

Did Nikos have a twin brother? Whoever this bumbling kid was, it wasn't the cocky and confident World's Prince.

He handed her the box. She opened it, and then dropped open her mouth at the sight of whatever was in it. She shut both the box and her mouth, then gave a pleasant pink smile.

"They're beautiful," she remarked. "But I'm sorry. I can't accept them."


His face fell a little, but it sprung back into a smile. His World's Prince smile.

"It's nothing, really," his voice normal again. "A friendly gift. You've worked really hard this year, and—"

She put her hand on his, tapping it lightly. "I don't see it as a friendly gift, Prince Nikos. So, I'm sorry, but I can't accept it."

He licked his lips and dropped his hands, looking down at the box.

"I have to go," she said, bowing. "Please let me know if I can assist you further, Your Highness."

"Please don't call me that. You don't call him that."

She nodded and walked away. He stared after her, palming the box in his hand. With a grunt, he shoved it back in his pocket, throwing his head back. As his head fell to the side, his eyes met mine.

"Why are you here?" he demanded.

I pursed my lips. "I could ask you the same question."

His long legs brought him over to me in only a few paces. He stared down at me.

"How long have you been there?"

"Long enough to watch you get rejected. Hard."

His eye twitched. "Did you enjoy the show?"

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