Chapter 11 - Show Me Yours

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"I can't figure out this closet thing," I said. "Show me yours."

Nikos raised an eyebrow.

If I could use anyone's vanity against him, it was Nikos. I just needed a few minutes in his room. He had to have some handwriting samples somewhere. I wasn't going to risk trying to sneak into his room like I did with Julian. I was still trying to scrub the image of Julian's bare ankles out of my memory.

"I just want to see how you organize everything," I added.

"I can send you a picture," he said.

"Ahh ..." I mumbled, trying to think of an excuse. "A picture doesn't provide an explanation. Why don't you just show me?"

He leaned forward, grinning with his teeth. "Is my room the only thing you want to see, Princess?"

I shoved him away. "Stop being a pervert. Just show me your stupid closet."

He rubbed his temple dramatically. "I've had hundreds of women beg to see my room. I guess it is time to grant one lucky girl her wish."

"Define the word lucky for me," I said. "I think it might mean something different in this country."

Putting his hands in his pockets, he led the way, somehow concluding that my hearing about his daily routine would be beneficial to me. Early morning exercises, a shower, skincare routines, dressing routines, breakfast, then media reviews.

"You do all of that before noon?" I asked.

"It's all I do here," he replied. "I'm the face of Aujina. This face and body always have to look their best. I think I've done pretty well, don't you?"

He leaned in again. I shoved him away. He laughed.

He stepped in front of his door, turning to face me with one hand behind him on the handle.

"Are you ready to see something only a handful of women have had the pleasure of seeing in their lives?"

"How many of that handful were paid?" I asked.

He pursed his lips and opened the door.

It was pretty much what I expected it to be. A bright, sleek bedroom, with a modern Western design. It looked nothing like the rest of the castle. Instead of red and gold like Julian's bedroom, Nikos's color scheme was purple and silver. He had ivory furniture instead of wood, and his entire floor was like polished marble. That would explain why it was so chilly.

"What do you think?" he asked. "Only the best fabrics and wares from the best places."

"Are you warm enough in here?" I asked without thinking.

A strange look crossed his face, a mix of confusion and surprise. He shook it off. "Of all the stupid questions ... Let's go see the closet, hmm?"

He took me to his closet and started showing me around. It was massive — the size of my entire house back in California. He went into detail about his organizing techniques until my mind went numb and I almost forgot why I'd come here in the first place.

I tried to look interested while looking around the room for something with his handwriting on it. After half-listening to him going on about skincare and fabric combinations for God knows how long, I still hadn't found anything.

Someone knocked on the door. Nikos checked his watch, then opened the door.

"Juniper," he said casually. "On time as always. Come in, please."

She shuffled in, eyebrows rising when she saw me. I waved.

"I was giving Marina a tour of my room," Nikos explained. "It seems the girl is lost without me."

Girl. As if I wasn't almost five years older than him.

"I can tell she's been taking your advice," he continued, still talking to Juniper. "Her fashion sense has improved a bit. Has she been doing her regular skin-care routine?"

Before I could answer for myself, his hand came to my face, the back of his fingers stroking my cheek. His fingers were warm and soft, and his touch was the same. He looked over my face for a moment, then paused to look into my eyes.

I clenched my teeth.

I knew what he was doing ... but the look in his eyes was throwing off my equilibrium.

"As far as I know, she's been doing everything you suggested," Juniper replied.

He cleared his throat, pulling his hand away. "Yes, it seems so. It's nice to be a positive influence on someone."

"I'm not doing it for you," I said. "Juniper's more helpful than you are."

Juniper smiled and bowed. "I'm honored."

"Do you have to take care of Nikos every day?" I asked her.

"I assist with all the royal family," she said.

The neurotic Cyrus, the egotistical Julian, and the narcissistic Nikos? God, whatever this girl was getting paid, she needed a raise.

Nikos cleared his throat again and grabbed my hand.

"I won't be needing your assistance today, Juniper. I already have other plans." He turned to me and smiled. "I have a date with Marina."

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