I've Had my Adventure, I Don't Need Something New

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Elated, Alfred entered the warm comfort of his home, smelling the sweet scent of waffles that drifted through the air. He called out, "Mattie! I'm home!" Alfred placed his things messily by the door, lazily following the aroma. Matthew turned around after lifting the lid of the waffle iron, "Hey, I was just finishing up some waffles that we could have for dinner." He swiped a few strands of hair away from his face, "I thought that it would be a bit of a kind gesture for letting me stay here for the night, not as a guest, but as family." he chuckled, "Get it? Because we're brothers?"

Alfred smiled and giggled, "Yeah I get it." He grabbed a plate as Matthew stacked on a few chocolate chip waffles and drizzled it with chocolate syrup and whipped cream, "These look so good bro! And they smell amazing too!" Alfred aggressively sniffed in the scent of the waffles, making Matthew burst out laughing.

"Alfred, you sure are quite the character. I don't get why you do these things."

"I just like making the people I love the most smile, as well as lightening the mood no matter the situation."

The brothers made their way over to the dining table and sat across from each other. Alfred was busy stuffing his face with those delectable waffles as Matthew had only taken a few bites of his.

"So, Alfred?"

"Yeah, bro?"

"Where did you and Ludwig go and why didn't you guys come back?"

Alfred froze, mid waffle bite. The remainder of the waffle falling back onto the plate, "Well...um..." He started to panic a little, what was he supposed to say? Yeah, I totally made out with the hottest guy I know and he fucking loves me. I can't just say that!

Matthew chuckled, "You like him, don't you Alfred?"

Alfred mentally panicked, "Heeeehhh how did he find out what the hell? What did he see?" He quickly regained his composure and finally decided to spill the beans, "Well...that's a possibility."

"You totally made out with him."

"What? NO!"

"Don't lie to me, Al."

Alfred puffed out his cheeks like a child, "I'm telling the truth!"

Matthew chuckled. "You're a terrible liar, Alfred." He placed his fork calmly onto his plate and leaned across the table, head on hands. "Gilbert and I saw everything." Upon hearing this, Alfred's eyes grew wide with shock and he flushed a bright pink.

"I hate you, Mattie..."

"If you hated me, you wouldn't call me 'Mattie'"


Ludwig's encounter, however, was completely different. He didn't care if Gilbert would say anything, he knew that Gilbert and Matthew had seen them. Gilbert isn't that good at keeping quiet.

He was getting ready for bed after such a long day, dear lord was he so tired. Just as he was about to turn out his light, the door slammed open and Gilbert screeched, " I SAW YOU AND ALFRED GETTING IT ON DURING THE MEETING TODAY! MATTIE WANTED ME TO START SLOW AND NOT KILL YOU, BUT I WANTED TO GET STRAIGHT TO THE POINT!" Gilbert said as he stomped into Ludwig's bedroom.

Ludwig pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out a long drawn out sigh, "What's killing me is how loud you're being. Be quieter, please. Also, I know that you saw us because you can't keep your mouth shut."

"Well, shit..."

"Yeah, can you let me sleep now?"

Gilbert huffed as he walked out of the door.

"Close the door, Gil."

The door slammed shut as Ludwig was finally able to turn off his lights and fell into a dreamless sleep.

-------- Back at Alfred's house --------

Now, dear reader, you may think that Alfred may be doing decently right now, but alas, depression and anxiety doesn't work that way. He understood that his brother was just trying to be supportive, but now, all Alfred can feel is embarrassment and shame. He felt as if his own privacy had been invaded. What if Ludwig planned everything to happen this way? What if he wanted him to be embarrassed? 

All of these thoughts just kept circling throughout his mind, creating a dark cloud that blocked him from the truth. Self-doubt clouded his mind, only allowing him to see every single mistake that he had made and rethinking every positive interaction that he had previously had in the past.


(A/N) I am SO sorry for not giving an actual update in a while. School has been putting me under so much pressure and stress and I've had to focus more on my own mental health, along with the fact that I ended up going through a traumatic event where I was forced into smoking weed, which I ended up having a really bad reaction to. I'm still trying to recover from that even though it happened a few months ago. And within the past few weeks, three people that I knew passed away. Two from cancer, one from a possible drug overdose. Then there is everything going on with COVID-19. I hope everyone else is doing alright throughout this time of crisis. Here is something explaining exactly what the Novel Corona Virus actually is according to the World Health Organization: 

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is characterized by mild symptoms including a runny nose, sore throat, cough, and fever. Illness can be more severe for some people and can lead to pneumonia or breathing difficulties.

More rarely, the disease can be fatal. Older people, and people with other medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, or heart disease), may be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill.

I hope everyone stays safe and continues to practice social distancing and washes their hands and takes showers more frequently than they normally do. I live in Ohio and am going on an extended spring break from school as ordered by Governor Mike DeWine. It is estimated that 100,000 people could already be infected with COVID-19 and not even know it. Because of this, I have resorted to isolating myself within my house and making sure that I have everything that I need for the next few weeks. And no, my family did not buy toilet paper in bulk. I may live in a family of seven, but we only take what we absolutely need. Please, stay safe and healthy during this pandemic. Even if you get infected, everything will be okay in the end. We just need to remain calm about all of this.

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