Glass Jars

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Have you ever seen a glass jar?
How sturdy they look?
How they seem like the perfect place to store beautiful things away?
But in reality you know that glass is fragile and easy to break. You know that when it breaks it makes a mess. Yet you use it, because it's pretty and as long as it doesn't break, it's incredible.

I believe that emotions are similar to glass jars. Emotions can be a beautiful thing.
Love, kindness, excitement, curiosity.
They're all beautiful, but there is also fear, anger, dismay, anxiety, and sadness.

Similar to how when a glass jar breaks, when a human being breaks, when they feel like they've had enough, like they can't do it anymore, they make a mess. They hurt other people when they break, just like broken glass.

Once you break a glass jar you can no longer piece it back together. Similar to how a person is never the same once they break.

So just as you are careful with glass jars, you have to be careful with people. Especially when they are in need. We have to care for one another because every single one of us is beautiful and unique, yet delicate and fragile.

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