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Love is a terrifying thing. For me, it is putting someone else's needs before your own. It is giving that one person your all. Giving them the power of taking your all and protecting it and multiplying it, or of crushing it, leaving you with nothing.

Love is a strange thing. We might toss that word around so much that we make it seem pointless. Meaningless. But when we say the phrase "I love you" to a person in complete seriousness, those three words alone can change a person's whole life.

Love is beautiful thing. It's the thing that keeps us all together. It's the thing that has the capability of keeping us from collapsing entirely. Love gives us the power to do incredible things, even if that means just surviving another day. Love may be terrifying, but it is vital for us all.

Love is a necessary thing.

I'm sorry, I feel like this is awful and like it seems as if I'm trying to act really angsty or intellectual, but it's not like that at all. I really just need to release my feelings. I've had this poem hidden for a long while, about two years I think, but I have the feeling that it's especially relevant given the world's current situation. No one's gonna read it, but I'll put it out there anyway.
- caro

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