[ 37 ]

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Warning: The following scenes will be sexually explicit and will be inappropriate to younger readers. Reader's discretion is advised.

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Inaya's POV

I've never seen him look so helpless. He doesn't bother squirming or moving around. He's just accepting it all.

Before I could react, his father whips Dominic's back with a leather belt. The noise of the belt hitting Dominic's back was deafening. It was so loud that I thought his skin might've ripped apart.

"Stop it!" I scream as I throw myself in front of Dominic.

"Well, well, well, who do we have here? Having one of your whore's protecting you now? You've lost more of your manliness than I thought." His father says, mockingly.

"Please, don't do this." I plead with him, ignoring his comments.

"Or what?" His father challenges me, the belt in his hand preparing to whip again.

"Stay... stay out... out of this." Dominic could barely form words. His tone is strained from the pain.

I couldn't look at Dominic, looking at him felt like someone ripped my heart out.

Or what? What can I do?

Think, Inaya. Think.

"Mr. Luciano wouldn't appreciate knowing his all-star ally is being treated like this. Do you want to create chaos, Mr. Belcastro? Turf wars don't sound fun." My voice is shaking, there's not one bit of confidence in it.

I know that man has some kind of importance so this has to work as long as the father doesn't know what went on that night.

His father's eyes widen.

Jackpot, I found the nerve.

"How the fuck does this bitch know Luciano?" He yells at Dominic.

"It doesn't matter how. One phone call to him and it's not going to end well for anyone." I don't know what I'm saying. I'm literally spewing out nonsense.

"This is between my son and I. There is no place for a stranger like y—"

"Mr. Luciano is on speed dial." If I learned one thing here, it's that losing important alliances in this type of work is not good.

Out of anger, his father whips the belt at Dominic one last time, narrowly missing me. The last hit makes Dominic flinch but this is definitely not close to a reaction I'd expect from someone being beaten this brutally.

"You've messed with the wrong man, Miss. This will not end well for you." His father leaves, shutting the door so loud that I felt the floor shaking.

I quickly turn around to face Dominic and I couldn't take it. I couldn't look at him like this. There's blood dripping from his nostrils and the corner of his mouth.

I'm terrified to look at his back... I don't have the heart to look at it.

"Leave... leave me... alone." Dominic chokes out his words.

"No! Are you crazy? Do you see yourself? I'm not going anywhere." I scold him. "Do you think you could make it to the elevator if I help you up?"

The elevator goes straight into his room, thus, why I've never used it.

He nods and I gently wrap his arm around my shoulder, being careful not to make him pull any sudden muscles.

He takes his time to stand up and I give him all the time he needs. He limps slowly all the way to the elevator, I could tell he's trying really hard not to force his full body weight onto me.

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