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Inaya's POV

"Inaya! Put that down!" Dominic tries stepping closer but I only shove the gun harder onto the side of my head.

He immediately stops coming closer.

"You're right, I do deserve better. But have you thought about how you equally deserve better?" I laugh sadly. "Why would you want someone as broken as me? You could have someone who's much more beautiful, more your type, who's a lot more stable with less flaws. Someone who's rich, powerful and will be your equal."

"Don't be stupid... just... put that down..." He tries to tell me calmly but there's clear panic in his eyes.

"Wouldn't all of our problems disappear if I just die? You'll get rid of the girl who's a liability, your constant need for my body would disappear and you'll find someone who's prettier; overall, you'll get rid of the girl who's been a constant headache and a thorn on your side. On top of that, my uncle would be dancing on my grave knowing that I'm officially dead." I smile sadly. "Oh wait, he already thinks I'm dead, huh."

"You're not a headache or a liability, Inaya. Just put that down and stop talking nonsense." He says slowly.

"You said the only way I can leave is over your dead body but the only way I can walk away from you is over my dead body." I say.

He looks at me with furrowed brows.

"Because I can't let you go no matter what I do. I love you, Dominic. Whatever I said last night, every bit of it is true." My lips tremble. "Yes, I'm insecure. Yes, I think about how you could have someone who's a thousand times better than me. But for the first time in my life, I want to be selfish. I need you in my life or else I'd be empty."


"So, Dominic Belcastro, if it's a choice between you walking away or me," I clutch the gun tighter. "I think I'd be better if I just leave—"

Dominic launches himself at me, smacking the gun out of my grasp and at the same time, grabbing a hold of me. He ran towards me so fast that we ended up against the closest wall because of the speed of things.

Dominic slams his hands on wall with me in the middle. "Don't you ever fucking do that to me. Don't ever fucking scare me like that."

"Why not? Tell me why I can't do that to you. Give me one good reason." I push him.

"Because—because, I don't know! Maybe I fucking love you, damn it!" He yells.

I wrap my arms around his waist. "That's a good enough reason for me."

"Why... why would you scare me like that? I couldn't breathe for a goddamn minute!" He says quietly but with intensity.

"It was for extremely selfish reasons. I wanted to know... how you'd react if I put myself in danger."

He looks down at me, flabbergasted. "Wait, you weren't really going to—?"

I smile guiltily with tears still peaking through blurring my vision. "No... your gun's safety switch was on and I forgot how to disengage it. Plus, it's forbidden to take your own life or someone else's in Islam, so I had that going for me... and you."

"You sly fox." He chuckles almost nervously. "You almost gave me a heart attack."

"You love me? Did you mean it?" I ask.

"Mhm, I have never said that out loud to any soul in my life." He sighs.

"Should I feel special?" I tease him.

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