Chapter 1: Rejection

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1- Rejection
Midoriya's Point Of View

After the talk me and All Might had, it became very clear that I can't become a hero without a quirk. He told me I could go into the police force which was just making sure villains got taken into custody but that's not what I wanted to do. I wanted to become the world's greatest hero, just like him, saving people with a bright smile. But now, my dreams have been crushed. I guess Kachan was right. I really am a quirkless bastard. On another note, how am I supposed to get home? That damn hero left me here all on my own.

About half an hour later, I managed to get home. When I opened the front door, my mom let out a sigh in relief. "What was that all about?" I asked her with a bit of an attitude. She was a bit surprised at my tone. "I'm just worried! A villain attacked you Izuku! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" she said with slight tears forming in her eyes. Damn, she's too sensitive.

"Yea mom. I'm fine. I'm just a little shocked. That's all." And with that said, I made my way to my bedroom. Walking into my room just suddenly made me angry. As if I despised heroes, especially the 'Number One Hero in the Entire World: All Might' how lame. Imagine being a hero, you have to deal with crazy fangirls and fanboys. You'd be making a huge load of money from the government but then you're also expected to help and save random strangers. And if you fail, you're the first one to blame since you're meant to be the best person there even though the entire world has superpowers of their own. It's not like the civilians don't have quirks like me.

We don't even need heroes at all. This world should only be for the best people: 'survival of the fittest' as Kanchan told me back in middle school. 'Kachan... I hate you. I hate you with all of my wellbeings! You're nothing but an asshole and you don't deserve to become the world's greatest hero like you said you wanted to be. You deserve nothing! Nothing at all!' I got so stuck in my headspace that I didn't realize that I was crying. I wipe my tears away and head downstairs. My mom wasn't in the living room or the kitchen. Perfect. As I went into the kitchen, I scavenged through the drawers and pulled out a knife. It was beautiful. It looked like it's been treated like royalty; the handle was clean and polished. I ran my finger along the edge of the blade and accidentally cut my finger. The blade was sharp enough to cut my skin but not so bad that I was bleeding like crazy.

The pain wasn't even bad either. I kinda liked it. Without thinking, I took the knife and slowly cut my arm, inflicting more pleasurable pain onto myself. Seeing my own blood run down my arms was so satisfying and calming. I was going to do it again until I heard something fall, snapping me out of my state of mind.

"Izuku what are you doing!" my mom shouted and ran towards me. I wasn't thinking properly. It was like a natural reflex but I took the knife that I had in my hand and pointed it towards her. She immediately stopped. "Come near me and I'll kill you, mother," I said sternly. I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm just letting my mind take control. "Izuku..." my mother said as her voice quivered and tears began to form in her eyes. It broke my heart to see her like that. Even though I threatened her, it still hurt. "Please Izuku, you're all that I have left... you're the only thing I can't lose." She burst out into tears. My heart felt like it was being stabbed a million times over and over again.

I put the knife in the counter and walked towards my mom. "I'm sorry," I said as I embraced her into a hug. She stiffened a bit but soon wrapped her arms around me, letting her tears fall down her round cheeks. My poor mother, she doesn't deserve this at all. Just because I can't be a hero, doesn't mean I can't be something else. We stayed in our hug for a long time now, and eventually, she stopped crying. "Izuku, it's getting late. We should go to sleep now," she said as she pulled away. "Right" I kissed her forehead and then proceeded to my room. Little did she know, that was going to be the last time she would ever see me.

I got to my room and started packing my things into my backpack. When everything was packed, I just out of my window and ran away. Goodbye mother, I hope life treats you well.

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