Chapter 6: Letter

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Katsuki Bakugou's Point Of View

Beep Beep

Beep Beep

I slam my fist onto my bedside table, desperate to shut the stupid alarm off. Let's get this over with. I get up and start my morning routine of brushing my teeth, doing my hair and getting into my school uniform. I've been enrolled in U.A for quite a while now. Finally, I'm gonna become the world's greatest hero, just like I always told everyone, including that damn nerd. Sometimes I still wonder where he's at. As much as I hate to say it, I miss him. Although I always bullied him when we were younger and in middle school, he always considered me his friend no matter how badly I treated him. Deku has a heart made of gold and it pains me to know that I'm the one who destroyed it.

But that's enough sulking, for now, I have a school to attend. As I make my way out the door, I see an envelope with "For Katsuki Bakugo" on the ground. I don't remember getting any mail. Weird. I open it up and read what's inside.


Dear Kacchan,

Hi! Remember me? I'm the 'useless, quirkless' friend of yours from middle school. I just wanted to stop by and say that I'm still alive even after you told me to go jump off the roof. It was really tempting but I thought it would be better to disappear for a little bit to play a couple of mind games on you. Anyways, let's catch up sometime! Leave a response in this envelope and I'll come by later to pick it up. Don't tell anyone that I'm back or else you're dead. Quite literally haha. See you around, Kacchan...



That damn nerd! Who does he think he is leaving everyone behind! Then again, I'm partially to blame here because of the things I said and did to him. So man emotions are coming out of me but most of them were regret, sadness and a huge load of anger. Knowing that he's still alive and not wanting to come back makes my blood boil with rage. Whenever I get the chance, I'm gonna kill him for what he's done. I quickly write a response and leave the


While at school, me and Kirishima spend our day like we normally do with Denki, Mina, and Sero. These are the only ones I can be around without getting so irritated. "Remember everyone, tomorrow you're going with Thirteen to our training grounds to practice rescuing exercises. All Might and I will be supervising the training in case things go wrong but I'm sure everything will be alright. Class dismissed." Mr. Aizawa says as we all head out of the classroom.

"Hey Bakugo, want to hang out with us later today? We're going out to the mall for a bit." Kirishima says motioning to the others. "Sure why not. Where do we meet? I'm going home to change out of my uniform." I say as I start walking home. "Meet us at the front entrance." He says and walks off.

When I get home, I see the envelope right where I left it but this time, it's opened instead of closed like I left it. Did Deku already respond or was it someone else who came by and opened it? I pick up the envelope and pull out a new paper. With the paper, there was a single strand of green hair. Well, now I know it's him. In my response to his first letter, I told him to leave some of his hair behind to prove that it was really him and well, he did it.


See Kacchan? It's me! There's the hair that you wanted. Now, let's talk about schools. I saw you leaving your house this morning. Did you ever get into U.A like you wanted? Tell me all about it! I never went back to school after I left so if you want to, teach me everything I'm missing out on. I'm in a good mood at the moment so if there's any questions you want me to answer, ask away! And I just remembered, good job on not telling anyone. I knew I could count on you. You're the best. Well, I have to go, for now, see you around Kacchan~!


"Whatever," I mutter to myself as I start changing. Oddly enough, I feel like I'm being watched, like if someone is right outside my window, looking at each and every move I make. Come on Katsuki, get a hold of yourself. Stupid Deku is making you feel like this. That damn nerd is gonna pay.

Inko Midoriya's Point Of View

I don't know why but ever since I felt like Izuku came back home, I noticed things changed. The next morning, the doorknob to the front door was completely gone. It was like it disintegrated. And another thing was the box full of his notebooks. They were also gone but there was no trace of anything else that was stolen. If someone were to break in, why would they only take the notebooks and nothing else? I understand that I don't have much to take but still, why notebooks? All they had was Izuku's research from multiple heroes.

With each minute passing, I slowly started piecing things together. I checked the entire house, inside and out and I checked Izuku's room even harder. Then I realized something was missing from his room: it was a picture of me and him on one of his birthdays. What if my dream really wasn't a dream? What if my son actually came home then left again?

I ran back into my room and I see a white envelope on my bedside table. How did I not notice this before? I open it quickly. It read:


Hello mother!

It's me, Izuku. Don't worry about me at the moment. I'm 100% okay. Nothing bad has happened to me at all. I thought it would be a good idea to take a break after being attacked by the sludge villain. I also got to meet All Might! But it turns out he's nothing but a huge bag of lies. I don't admire him anymore at all. I just wanted to take a little vacation before doing anything else, that's all. If you keep trying to look for me, please don't. I need my space right now and having so many officers keeping their eyes open on the lookout isn't helping. I'll come back when the time is right. How have thing's been for you? We can talk like this for a while, just leave a response in this envelope and I'll come back to pick it up. See you later, mother.

Much love, Midoriya <3


My eyes began to tear up as I read the last part. Izuku is back but he won't come home. My poor baby is out there somewhere. He's okay! A wide smile forms as I wipe my tears away. 'I've got so much to say to him!' I think to myself as I get a pen and paper. I begin to write:


Dear Izuku,


Word Count: 1181 Words

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2020 ⏰

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