Chapter 5: Quirks

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5- Quirks
Izuku Midoriya's Point of View

There are only three more days till we attack U.S.J and ever since I went back to my old home, I've been feeling a bit odd. Seeing my mother made me feel like I'm making a huge mistake right now. If my younger self were to see that I'm in a league of bad guys, I'd be pretty ashamed of myself but for now, I'm just pushing those thoughts out of my head. Somehow I managed to convince Shigaraki to let me roam the streets during the night. I told him it would let me find more people to come with us but really, it was to deliver the letters that I wrote to my mother and to Kacchan.


"It's dark enough, Shigaraki. I'm heading out." I say as I make my way towards the door. "Not so fast" he starts. "While you're out, be extra careful. There are more officers out tonight since there was a robbery in a small pawnshop not that far from here." I nod and pull my hood over. "I'll be fine. Don't worry Shigaraki." I started turning the nob and before I could leave, he stops me again. "When you get back, there's something I need to talk to you about. For now, go do what you need to do." He lets me go. Finally.

I make my way towards my mother's house first. I go to the side of the house, right where my mom's window should be. And just like always, it's slightly opened, leaving a little gap. I slip my letter through and make sure it lands on the little bedside table that she has. Now, time for Kacchan's letter. Really, I don't think he'll even care since he kinda hates me but let's just see how he'll treat this one. When I get there, I leave it on the ground, in front of the door with "For Katsuki Bakugo" written on it and left.

Well, time to go home now. I open the front door and was a bit surprised to see Shigaraki waiting for me at one of the tables that we have. "Have you found anyone new?" he asks. "Nope. No one was out on the streets. It was completely empty. Anyways, what did you need to talk about?" I ask as I sit across from him. "You've been acting strange ever since we went to get your notebooks? What's bothering you?" his voice sounds filled with concern. Why does he care? He's not like this with the others. I mean- sometime's he'll ask if someone's okay but this time, he sounds like he means it. "No reason, I'm fine," I reply quietly.

"Alright then. I won't force you to tell me. But since we're close to attacking U.S.J, I want you to have something to go defend yourself with. You're quirkless so I talked to my 'father' and he said he'll try to do something about your quirkless self. There's a chance you'll have a quirk in time for the attack." I look at him in disbelief. There's a way I can get a quirk? "Hold on. You can do that? It's impossible! Kids are born with either their parents' quirk or something opposite of their quirks."

Shigaraki stands up and stretches a bit. "My father's quirk is taking away and giving quirks. No one knows about him. He's fought with All Might before and got badly hurt. My father is like the main leader and I'm like his right-hand man. Kind of what you are to me. But all I'm saying is that there's a chance we can get you a quirk of your own. It's up to you if you want to go with the procedure or not. That's all" He makes his way to the rooms. I guess I have some time to think about it. With that said, I make my way to my room too and go to sleep.


When I wake up in the morning, no one was home. Odd, maybe they went to our other building, the old bar to discuss the plan. There's two more days left and I still haven't made my decision. Even if I did go with it, what quirk would I end up getting? I want a powerful quirk like Shgaraki's or like Kacchan's. If I ended up getting a lame quirk, I'd be happier being quirkless like I am right now. Anyways, right now I need to catch up with the others.

I get dressed in a pair of black jeans, a green t-shirt with my black sweater over it and of course; my red shoes. As I'm making my way to the bar, I ran into someone very familiar. I'm glad that I had my hood over my face because if I didn't this person could've reported me to the police since they're still looking for me. After that little accident, I managed to reach the old bar and just like I thought, there they all were. "Hi, Izuku!" Toga happily greets me. "Hi, space buns. How come no one told me we were gonna meet up here? I was looking all over the house for you losers." I take a seat on one of the stools. "My apologies. I thought you would enjoy some extra sleep." Shigaraki exclaims. "It's fine just don't disappear without letting me know. Anyways I thought about what you told me. I'm ready to get my quirk." I said with a slightly serious tone. "Good choice. Once you get your quirk, my father and I will help you train it so you'll be good enough to fight. Just know that you'll only have a day to master it. If you can't then you're staying home while we do all of the hard work." Shigaraki walks off, leaving me with the others.

For the rest of the morning, I spend time with Mr. Compress, Twice, and Toga. Hopefully, my new quirk is strong enough by the time we have to go attack.

Quirkless Hero or Villain?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt