Chapter 2: Run-Away

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2- Run-Away
Izuku's Point Of View

After I left home, I walked and walked around town, enjoying the street lights and the fresh breeze blowing small strands of hair out of my face. This was peaceful and very calming. I got tired after a while and decided to go to a nearby park to rest. There was another person sitting on one of the benches. He had light blue hair, wore a black long sleeve shirt with matching black jeans. He seems a bit older than me.

I might as well have a little chat with him since I'm bored as hell. I make my way up to the guy and sit on a bench next to the one he's sitting on. "Hey," I start up a conversation. "What are you doing here?" I ask politely. "None of your business." he retorted. "What the fuck man? I'm just trying to be nice." some nerve he has talking back to me like that.

We stayed in silence for quite a while now. None of us moved, we just stared at each other like we were trying to figure out what the other one was thinking. Interesting, very interesting. "Hey kid, by any chance do you know what time it is?" the man asked. I pulled out my phone and checked the time. "It's 4:36, do you have to be somewhere?" I asked again in a polite manner. "No, but you need to go back home before my 'friends' get here." the man warned.

I shot him a death glare. "Who do you think I am? A little boy? I ran away from home you idiot. I don't have anywhere else to go." I said in a cold, monotone voice. "Is that so? Would you like to stay with me? You'll be safe with my friends and me, and if you have no intention of being found, we'll make sure to keep you well hidden from pro-heroes and the police."

That's a good offer if I'm being honest. But something as good as this must have a catch. I thought about it while the man just stared at me, scratching his neck. "Is there a catch to all of this? Sounds too good to be true, as cliche as that sounds. Why should I trust you?" I crossed my arms, still keeping my cold glare on him. The man seemed to smile, it wasn't one that you'd make if you were happy. This one was more devil-ish. He stopped scratching his neck and relaxed. "You see, my friends and I are a group of people that go by 'The League of Villains', we're really good at hiding from those annoying heroes so you're safe with us. You have nothing to worry about. We're always glad to take new members like you, lost run-aways who want to start over. So, will you join me?" his smile never left his face as he tried his best to convince me. I didn't have anyone else to look after me so let's do it.

"Sure. Why not. If any of you or your friends try anything stupid with me," I paused a bit to get near his ear and pulled out a switchblade to press against his neck "I'll kill you."

Just as he said not that long ago, his friends showed up and were about to attack me if the man hadn't shielded me and told them to back off. We all ended up going to this old bar somewhere that I never knew it even existed. When we entered, there was a girl with blonde space buns, a school uniform on sitting next to a man who looked like he had a void for a head. The other guy that was with the man had black spikey hair, his skin his face was a natural color except for the bottom part of his face. It was purple, with something that looks like staples or scars keeping it all together. His arms were purple too. He also looks like he's around my age. There were more people in the bar but I'm too lazy to describe them.

"Everyone, we have a new person that'll be joining us. Be nice to him, he's one of us. And I'll be raising this boy under my wing so if you even try to hurt him, you better watch out." the man said as he motioned for me to step out. Everyone stared at me, like if they were trying to study me. "I'm Izuku Midoriya. I'm quirkless but extremely intelligent and really good at sneaking around." The man who brought me here looked a little surprised that I didn't have a quirk. "Hi, Izuku! I'm Himiko Toga! But you can just call me Toga." the girl with the blonde space buns said with a crazy grin. She's pretty cute.

Just like Toga did, everyone in the room introduced themselves to me and I eventually learned everyone's name and their quirks. There's Dabi, Toga (obviously), Twice, Spinner, Muscular, Mr. Compress, Moonfish, Mange, Black Mist (or Kurogiri which is his real name), All For One who is supposed to be the All Might's enemy, and finally, Tomura Shigaraki which is the person who brought me here. While everyone was asking me questions on how I got here, Dabi was just quiet and didn't talk to me. That one girl Toga was all over me as if she didn't know what personal space was.

Either way, I found a place to stay. And I think I'm gonna like it here.

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