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You look down at your stomach. Awsten doesn't know yet. truth be told, you haven't even taken a test yet but you were fairly certain. You didn't know if you wanted kids or not. It didn't much matter now. The baby was already there and growing. its a living thing. You decide to take a pregnancy test. You go to the nearest store that sells them and purchase one. Low and behold, its positive. You were going to have a baby. Awsten's baby. It would most certainly be beautiful because he is beautiful. You really didn't want to face the facts. A small but noticible bump was starting to form on your abdomen. You try to cover it up with big clothes and sweatshirts, but you know its still there. Awsten gets home from band practice in about a half hour. You try to stay calm so you can tell him then. What even would you tell him
"Uh, yeah so you kinda, sorta impregnated me and now I'm pregnant."
what would you even say. What if he wanted to get rid of it? What if he wanted to keep it?
a half hour-ish later

Awsten is home, you hear him pull in. you don't know what to do. your trying not to panic. if your parents found out they would ethier disown you, or be amazed because they're grandparents.
You hear Awsten open the front door. You hear him make his way to yours and his bedroom. You clutch your stomach and are still clutching it when he walks in. You don't feel so good. Then you proceed to vomit all over the bedroom floor, right when Awsten sees you. You were defanitly pregnant. He rushes to you and starts rubing circles on your back. You think its over.
"Do you need me to go set some anti nausea medicine?"
"Awsten, I'm pregnant."
"Oh, um, ok. Did you get an altrasound?"
"No. I was waiting to see if you would go with me. I also didn't know if you wanted to keep it or not."
"Lets just go get an altrasound for now." he says
*at altrasound clinic*
Your waiting for your name to be called. Awsten is holding your hand. Your very nervous. What if they can tell if it's a boy or a girl? Did you want to know if its a boy or girl? So many questions, so little answers.
"Y/n" your hear a nurse call. You and Awsten stand up and walk to the small room.
You wait a little while and then the docter comes into the altrasound room. She asks you a few questions and then smears gel on your stomach.
She was making odd faces.
"I hear 3 heartbeats," she says "but I can only see one baby."
suddenly you feel movement.
"Ah, there it is."
"Dose this mean I have twins?"
Awsten stares at the monitor. You look up too for the first time. Two little beings are shown.
"You are about 12 weeks so I might be able to tell the genders. Would you like to know?"
you look at Awsten and he is smiling. You nod.
"Alrigt, it looks like there's a boy and a girl."
You feel yourself grin. Awsten is too. You finish up and go to the car. As soon as you get outside Awsten hugs and kisses you. The he feels your stomach.

You decide to make Otto the godfather because why the hell not.

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