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Today was Saterday. One of the worst days of the week in your opinion. There are 2 things you can decide to do on Saturday. You can do nothing, witch was a bad idea for you because that gave your mind room to wonder. Sometimes wondering was good, sometimes it's bad. If there's one thing you knew better than most people, its that thoughts are toxic. Anyways the second thing you can do is work, which is also a bad. You're already tired from the week and then you work more. Its just a no go for you.
You decide to a mix of both because you have to do Somthing. You match both your socks and your boyfriend, Awsten's socks. While doing this you decide to watch The Office to also get the relaxation part in.
You didn't feel especially great that day. 1 it was Saturday and 2 somthing just felt off 3 Awsten wouldn't be here because he was out with the bois and after they are going to have band practice.
You were all alone with your socks. Usally you liked being alone but at that moment it was dreadful. You could feel the dark clawing around inside you. You haven't had a panic attack in a while so you were probably due for a really bad one unfortunately.
You sat there rocking back and forth, back and fourth. Episode after episode of The Office playing. You didn't turn it off because it helped you to know the world wasent ending even if you couldn't understand what they were saying. You just had to wait it out. Back and fourth, back and fourth.
Hours pass, but the hours that pass only felt like seconds to you. the attacks were on and off and the came so continuously. You felt another bad one coming on. Back and fourth, back and fourth, back and fourth.
You hear other noises besides the office. This causes you to be even more panicked. Back and fourth. You don't know if its robbers or not. you hear more noises. You hear someone walking towards your room. You think to yourself "I'm probably gonna die. there's nothing here to defend myself with except socks. even then what am I gonna do. they're fucking socks."
You bring your knees up to your chest and but your hands on the back of your head, obscuring your vision.
The door opens. You hear quick paced footsteps. Back and Fourth, back and fourth. But then you hear a familiar sound.
"Hey princess, its ok. I'm here now. You can get through this."
Awsten gently sits down on the bed beside you. He pulls you close to his chest and tells you to listen.
"Do you hear that?" he asks softly.
you shake your head.
"Just concentrate on my heartbeat. Breathe and listen. I got you"
You listen for a long time. Awsten is staying awake just to make sure your alright. that makes you feel very loved.
You put the socks in the basket when your felling a bit better and then you cuddle up to Awsten. He was waiting for this. this is his favorite part. this is the part where you forget that you are broken and he forgets that he is broken. Out of both of your broken pieces you make a whole. You cuddle for a good long time and when he thinks you aren't listening he whispers a tiny I love you. you smile against his chest and whisper it back. You fall asleep like this tangled in each other and whole.

Awsten Knight x reader/imaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora