Sick Tournament

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Season 1 setting. The boys are 11, Beigoma Beyclub (Valt, Rantaro, Daigo, Shu, and Wakiya), etc.

The whole Aoi home was asleep at this time, 2:45am. The twins were knocked out, their mother was out cold due to her hard work in the kitchen all day. Gotta get that bread made. Valt, however, was only half asleep and groaning.

"Ugh... Why do I feel sick?"

He thought to himself. Suddenly, he felt his stomach churn and bolted to the bathroom. The blunette allowed the contents of his stomach to come up and into the toilet.

"Man... I guess I ate too much dinner.."

The boy thought as he stood up and flushed the toilet and washed his hands. He got back to his room and still felt bad, but he was able to go back to sleep.


The next day, Valt still felt terrible but he wasn't gonna miss a Beyblade tournament that him and his team were participating in. Everyone was in the back rooms, either doing a little training, psyching themselves up, or in Valt's case... Laying down on one of the circle seats and curled into a ball in pain. The blunette felt his stomach turning. He saw his team walking over towards him, immediately jumping up with a fake smile and a fake cheery mood.

"What were you doing just now?"

Wakiya asked Valt.

"Nothing. Just a little pre-battle rest!"

He replied as he hugged his albino boyfriend.

"Pre-battle rest? Never heard of it."

"That's because it's only something Valt does."

Shu said to Wakiya with a small giggle.


The two teams were in their sections. Beigoma Academy Beyclub and the Super Stars. Of course, they had to have a big entrance for Zac the Sunrise. After the introductions of the teams, it was time to battle. First up was Shu and Orochi Ginba. As the two battled, Wakiya, Honcho and Daigo cheered their teammate on. As for Valt, he sat on the bench with a gurgling stomach. He sat there with his arms laid over it and his head against the wall behind the bench.

"Valt! Why don't you be a good team captain and come over here and cheer for your boyfriend?!"

Wakiya smarted off to the blunette. After Shu's turn was over, Valt went ahead and claimed the next turn since he figured Zac would be next.

"Wait, I want to battle Zac!"

Wakiya yelled as Valt started up the small staircase.

"He already can't hear you, Wakiya. He's focused."

Shu said as he pulled Wakiya back. Shu was partly right though. Valt was focused, but not on this battle. He was focused on how sick he felt and was hoping so much that he wouldn't throw up during battle. As he headed towards the stadium, he felt his stomach just churning and threatening to push contents up.

"No... Please, not now..."

The sick blunette thought to himself. Once his stomach settled for a minute, the Valtryek blader got in launching position.

"Ah, good to see you, Twinkle Toes. I do hope you're ready to be beaten by me."

Zac greeted. But Valt didn't respond, or even hear the celebrity for that matter. The long haired blader immediately knew something was off with his blunette fan. He knew him to be more excited and cheerful. Before he could think more about it, the battle count down had started.

"...Let it.. RIP!"

The two boys launched, but Valt's launch was incredibly weak and only spun for two seconds.

"Uhmm... Zac wins with a survivor finish?"

The ref questioned into his mic  not really knowing if that was even a round at all. Zac and Valt's team were worried. Well, Wakiya just thought Valt screwed up.

"Twinkle Toes, are you alright?"

Zac asked the sweating blunette.

"I- I don't think so..."

Valt replied.


Shu called to the ref as he walked up on stage and kneeled down with Valt.

"Babe, come on."

Shu said, getting his partner on his back. Once he did, they went back down the small stairs and went over to the bench. Valt was running a fever and hardly knew what was going on around him. He opened his eyes and saw there was a trash can in the floor at the end of the bench.

"What the heck was that, Valt?! That launch was terrible!"

Wakiya started.

"Lay off, Goldy Locks! Can you not see how sick he is?!"

Rantaro said, defending his friend. While the two blonde boys fought, Shu and Daigo were paying attention to Valt.

"Hun, what's wrong?"

"I... I got up last night at almost 3am, and I got sick. I thought I ate too much dinner, but my stomach was still acting up this morning and all day. I thought I could push through it and battle, but... My stomach isn't gonna have it..."

Valt's stomach was groaning and rumbling as it threatened to push the contents in it back up, and Shu could tell that his partner was about to be sick and grabbed the trash can next to him for Valt. As the blunette got sick, Daigo rubbed circles into his back to help soothe the boy.

"Valt, why did you come to the tournament like this?"

Wakiya asked in his usual annoyed tone.

"Because... I wasn't just gonna ditch my team. That's why.."

Valt responded. The boy was sunk into the bench seat with his hands on his grumbling stomach and his head on Shu's shoulder. Shu had his hand upon his partners stomach as well, trying to comfort the sick blunette. The five of them knew that they would have to have one of them go battle in Valt's place now, and Valt had to choose.

"Daigo, replace me in the battle. I believe you can help us win this."

Daigo gave a single nod as he stood up to go put himself in Valt's place.

"Why don't you have Rantaro replace me, babe? That way I can stay down here with you."

Shu asked the smaller blader.

"No. You're the best out of all of us. You're needed in this battle."

Valt replied weakly.

"Hey! I can replace Shu!"

Rantaro said as he whipped out his fan.

"Honcho, his mind is made up. Leave it."

Daigo stated. Valt winced and clenched his stomach as another wave of nausea hit him. He took slow and deep breaths to help ease the nausea, but nothing was helping calm his stomach down.

Probably gonna make a part 2 for this. I needed something to put in this one shot book since I hadn't in forever. Plus, I didn't want Valt in MORE pain in Lighthouse cause he's been through hell already in it. So hope you enjoyed this.

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