Peter! Can you hear me?

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It was two days before Peter could breath without a ventilator, three days before Tony stopped drinking, four days before Peter momentarily gained consciousness, and five days since Peter realized he couldn't hear anything. Peter could only feel, see, smell, and taste and even those senses were dulled but his hearing couldn't be found. 

"He appears to be regaining consciousness." 

"Call the doctor in."

"Yes ma'am."

"Peter can you hear me, can you wiggle your fingers a little." The nurse checked his vitals everything was off still but his heart rate was slightly elevated, he started to squirm around, then thrash as if he was in the midst of a nightmare. He shot up. He pulled an I-V loose and started to bleed out of his hand. "Call Cap in case of code M"

His eyes were wide, there was a high pitched ringing in his head racing form side to side. The nurse was panicked, he felt ready to bolt, he backed towards the corner of the room, hands steadying him with his ability to stick to the walls, the adrenaline pumped through his veins as he crawled into the ceiling corner like a jumping spider on the defense.

Cap burst through his room door with the seriousness of  hostage situation,"Kid I'm going to have to ask you to crawl back down the wall." 

"FUck," Peter murmured out of habit. (oops bad habit)

"Language! Kid please get down." Alright Peter had no clue what he was saying but surely the kid caught the jist of it because Cap looked kinda pissed but like momma is disappointed at the same time pissed.

He started to retreat back down into the corner but then like a dumb ass he bolted towards the door and cap squeezed him into a tight bear hug,.

"Hey doctor now would be a good time," Peter felt the needle stab into his arm and the world fuzz out the next time he woke up he had loose restraints on and another I-V in. He tried to apologize to the nurse the next time he saw her but all he could manage was an awkward sounding half english-ish sounding apology to which he got a sympathetic smile. Soon after he was given his wheelchair and free reign of the med floor when needed and the Avengers floor. (The lab he wasn't given explicit permission to but that didn't seem to stop him.)

His inability to communicate isolated him, it wasn't that his voice didn't cry out or make a sound but that he lacked the ability to comprehend the sounds that left his throat and the doctor's. Surely his healing hadn't failed him this time, he was superhuman, one spider bite short of invincible and now he felt less than human, just merely a sub-par being. Peter got his wheelchair the day after he awoke without his hearing, and the only sense that seemed to increase was his spidey sense, or maybe i was paranoia. As he wheeled himself through the tower every shadow threatened him with menacing tentacles reaching towards him in his defenseless state. 

Meetings had been set up for him to see a therapist and other super-secret Avengers type doctors to discuss his "mutations" and "trauma" but without hearing the sessions felt lacking he would wheel himself in and sit there for forty five minutes refusing to "draw a picture of how you feel" or "write about what's upsetting him". Everything felt forced and one sided. Clint had even tried to talk to him through various means including trying to teach him sign language and writing him letter of encouragement about when he lost his hearing but Peter didn't want to hear it. Sure Clint had been through this but it just wasn't the same, this was Peter's fault it wasn't some accident or mission gone wrong it was Peter trying to run from his problems and only managing to make him resent himself more.

So he spent his days in the lab, more specifically a corner of Tony's lab. He had a prototype of a hearing aid that might work even though he knew that Tony probably had at least three functioning ones that he could use it felt personal this was something that he needed to do himself. So far it was small, about the size of a mini paperclip if you filled in the area inside the bent up piece.  Also it had a built in AI that he had been working on, Karen, you know like the computer on sponge bob. She reminded him of Aunt May a bit since she was the only female he really trusted, she was his protector in a way and she was programmed with a bit of humor to go along as a nice touch.

He spent days in the lab tinkering and adjusting the coding, circuits and what not which really worried the team, especially Tony. He had become a mini-Stark with his obsessive behavior, staying up all night, never sleeping, barely eating, and not communicating with anyone but an AI it was startling how alike he had become compared to his mentor. The two would sit in the lab feet away, passing tools and coming and going while never acknowledging the hulk sized elephants in the room.Peter wanted to brush all of it off, pretend it never happened and go back to his life as if none of this last week was real but all Tony wanted was answers, maybe a motive for jumping out of his tower, or an explanation of how he has such odd mutations and the extent of them. Tony really just felt responsible, he failed Peter his Kid and now he was deaf and not talking to him. Tony fucking sucked at this whole mentoring thing. Maybe he's the reason Peter ended up in the hospital, maybe Tony is to blame, Tony ruined the kid.

ALright here's your occasional dose of angst for the day. I adjusted like half of my plot because of my three A.M. decision for Peter to jump out the window so ehh we're making it work. At least it fits my mood currently. Also I really appreciate all the comments, it's hecking motivating and hilarious to read some of your reactions. So I love ya'll goodnight.

I have started another story and I am still going to continue writing this one and put it first but damn this other hits different, so if you're interested I've put up the first chapter/preview. Thank you for reading ya'll :)

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