days union in a nutshell (for dummies)

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I'm going to try and explain the myth timeline in the quickest way i can, so some of you guys won't be as lost.

Look up the definition of dystopia and you'll get a pretty good idea.


So basically

in a planet that MAY OR MAY NOT BE Earth, at the start before ANYTHING there was one notable group. The Dawns, or the Republic of Aurora.

Then someone named the Governor made the Prime Days Union. The union before the union we know today.

The Governor decided to become rick from rick and morty and do some funky experiments. With the help of the Dawns he created Great Day and the rest of the operatives.

At some point, all of the operatives died before by some attacks by the nights. They were bought to and revived by great day/the governor(?), causing them to join the prime days union.

Then governor went kind of crazy and messed around with portals and diminsions.

The somewhere along the time the group the Night Coalition popped up (Nights are infected people who can turn into giant monsters) The Night Coaltion used to be normal, until Horrid and his gang killed everyone and took over.

Then the Governor started a war between the Days Union and Night Coalition. But then he just dissapeared and no one knows where he is.

The Days and Nights tore each other's throats, due to some Darkness Virus. (it's been said that the virus came from another dimension)

the days have been studying the portal the governor went into, and also trying to find a cure for the virus at the same time, using test subjects.

The rest of the dawns are just sitting back (or dead i don't know) The Prime Minister is dead, though.

The Dusks are extra dimensional beings that speak japanese and they oversee the multiverse. The foxes are his translators.

albert went into the portal

the multiverse collapsed

other dimensions have opened up, one of them being Forest Overseer's world.

Only the Dusks can see and interact with both the Days and other dimension people. 

albert is awaiting some sort of divine punishment from the dusks.

The civilians finally entered reality and final city is here.




aaand you're caught up

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