Chapter 1 - A New Home for him [part 1]

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Next moment after Flame save Aquamairne-

                                                Flame's P.O.V.

That weird girl make me feel... weird too... Ham- I mean, I didn't save her because I like her or anything, I save her because I hate that wild pokemons, kill people only to eat them or only because they want to have fun, tch... stupid wild pokemons, I though in my mind, but who cares, now I'm strong enough to kill all of them. In that moment I'm thinking an picture, and the picture I'm seeing me killing a lot of wild pokemons, but *sigh* It's when I open my eyes and I see a thing that probably it's going to be really bad for me... like reaaaally bad for me. I see my house... burning! I went inside fast to get all my food before burn. When I get all the food I can, I run from the house. I stop in front of it and stay looking at it, this must be one of that stupid wild pokemons again, I though. I look down with tears and mad in my face. I swear, I'm gonna kill all this wild pokemons! I yell in my head. But then I heard a weird sound behind me, like water going really fast... like someone is using... Hydro pump! I said in my mind while I look at back seeing water going really fast to me. But the Hydro pump it's not for me, it's for the house who stills burning. That Hydro pump was enough to extinguish the house burning, but the house is completely destroyed. When I look at back, I see her, is that vaporeon from... a while ago.

                                                Aquamarine's P.O.V.

I was folloing him making him don't noticed me while I run in the middle of the bushes. While I'm running behind him, I start to see some smoke in the sky, I was thinking it's just an campfire near us. But while we walk more near to his probably house, the smoke is more dense, I then start to begin worry about where the smoke is coming from, but I keep following him. When we arrive at his house I see a big fire on it. I was a little scared of that. When I look at him I see him running inside the house and sometime later running outside the house again with some food. I see him looking down and see some tears falling from his face, I then can see his mad in the face. I then though, maybe I can extinguish it with my Hydro pump. But... what if he get angry and try to kill me or anything... But then, I without thinking fire the Hydro pump and extinguish the fire. He then, look at back to see where the Hydro pump come from. He then go near me and I begin in the same place, shaking of scare and seeing him with a netural face, afraid of him to hurt me or even worst, kill me! I close me eyes when we get in front of me, but then.

Flame: "You are that vaporeon I meet a while ago, right?" He said.

Aquamarine: I open my eyes still a little scared and say. "Y-yes. I-I am."

Flame: "... Why you do that?" He said with a curious look.

Aquamarine: "Because... I though it's the right thing...?" I said nervously.

Flame: "Well... thanks."

Aquamarine: "N-no problem" I said with only a little of scare.

Flame: "Well... I need to find a new house now, bye." He said before go away.

Aquamarine: I then make him stop walking away saying. "Wait!"

Flame: "Hm?" He said looknig back at me.

Aquamarine: "Haaa... Why don't you... live with me?" I said without any reason.

Flame: "... Are you sure?" He said a little impressed.

Aquamarine: "Y-yes!" I said normally now.

Flame: "*sigh* Ok..."

Aquamarine: "Yay!" I yelled happy. "I-I mean. Cool." I said trying to act cool.

Flame: "But, only for now... In the future need to travel in the world to do what I need to do." He said with a serious face now.

Aquamarine: "What you need to do?" I ask curious.

Flame: "*sigh* I guess there is no problem to tell you. I want to kill all the wild pokemons no matter what." He said.

Aquamarine: "What!? But... that's impossible!" I said unbelievably.

Flame: "I don't care, I'm gonna do it with or without help." He said with a little mad in the face.

Aquamarine: I though about help him or not, and then I said. "Then, I help you." I said with effort.

Flame: "Hm? You want to help me?" He said.

Aquamarine: "Yes." I said again with effort face but now looking at his eyes.

Flame: "Thanks" He said with probably one of the only smiles he is gonna do in his life... or not...

We then start to walk to my house and in the middle of the path we talk about somethings about Flame and why he want to kill all wild pokemons.

                                                              Flame's P.O.V.

We start walking to her house, we keep silence from a while when she ask me a thing I don't know if I should talk about it or not.

Aquamarine: "Hey, haaa... why you want to kill all the wild pokemons anyway?" She asked with a lot of curious.

Flame: "*sigh* I don't want to talk about it..." I said with a little mad face.

Aquamarine: "Oh... Ok, sorry I ask..." She said with a sad face.

Flame: I look at her and then said. "Hey, I'm not mad at you, I'm mad about that wild pokemons."

Aquamarine: "I know, I just want to help you." She said looking at me again.

Flame: "Why you want to help me that much, we just meet today." I said a little confused.

Aquamarine: "Because you save me" She said smiling.

Flame: "But, I didn't save you because I care about you, I saved you to kill that wild pokemon."

Aquamarine: "I don't care, you saved me and that's what I'm liking in you, you are a hero... my hero." She said with a cute smile.

Flame: "(Oh no, what is happening with me, is that smile what is making me like this?) T-thanks." I said with a little smile and blush in my face.

Aquamarine: "You are welcome." She said while she stroke her head on my neck fur.

Flame: The only thing I can though is her head stroking in my fur... or in other words... in my weakness zone...

Aquamarine: After she stop stroking her head on me. "Well, welcome to my house, Flame."

In that moment, my eyes are seeing probably the bigest house I ever see in my whole life. I can't belive what I'm seeing and I'm going to live in there. But unfortunately, I'm going to leave this house to travel in the world soon.

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