Chapter 2 - A new beginning [part 2]

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Let's start this part already, I'm really excited to read this one, let's go, let's go, let's go! And also, 163 reads? Wow, growing a little fast for me XD, but anyways, let's start this already!

The next day , in the morning, after [part 1]

                                                         Flame's P.O.V.

 We are eating while I was telling her some things about our train, she seemed really interestered in my tips, she was looking at me with a weird eyes like she is not hearing what I'm saying to her. I though for a minute if that nightmare she had yesterday is the culprit of her staring at me, but I simply ignored and continue talking when I do one thing to see if she was really hearing me.

Flame: I stopped talking about the tranning and said something like this. "And there is 99% chance to you to die with that" I lied.

Aquamarine: "Yeah..." She said keeping looking at me.

Flame: "So you want to die?" I asked.

Aquamarine: "Hmhm..." She continued.

Flame: "Hm I see." I said now that I see she isn't hearing me. "Aquamarine!" I yelled to wake her up.

Aquamarine: "Y-yes!" She said while she make a face like she realize what she was doing. "S-sorry! I don't know what I was doing! I'm really really sorry!" She apology like she didn't mean to do that.

Flame: "Hey! Don't worry, I'm not mad at you. Besides that all I said you gonna hear again in our train." I said.

Aquamarine: "Ok." She said a little sad. "But anyways, what are going to do today? Please, don't say you gonna train again." She asked

Flame: "I don't know, I don't want to train today, so I guess I'm gonna stay home our room or in the living room seeing TV." I said hoping she have something to do that I might like.

Aquamarine: "Oh... Well, I'm going to my work in the swimming pool. If you want to come and see my lesson today, feel free."

Flame: "Oh yeah, she work in a swimming pool... I forgot about that..." I said in my mind. "Ok, but only to see it." I said a little nervous.

Aquamarine: "Ok, no problem." She said while she finish eat and leave the table to pick up her bag.

Flame: "What is inside the bag?" I asked curious.

Aquamarine: "Oh, just my swimming suit." She said taking it out and put it again in the bag. She go to the door and open it. "Aren't you going?" She asked looking back at me.

Flame: "Oh." I said finishing eating ang getting up from the table and following her.

We start walking and while we go to the town's swimming pool she talk about some of her class and the big amout of people who didn't know how to swim and because of her, now they know. She also said that one guy didn't know how to swin and because of her, he is now competing for the best swimmer in the world. I guess she was at least the best swimming teacher of this town. 

When we get to the indoor pool, I look up and get a little impressed from how big was the skylight of the pool.  I look down again and see Aquamarine almost arriving at the door of the building. I run to follow her. We enter, the waitting room was all white with some white pots with light green plants. She went to a bench that had a Floatzel. I was a bit far from her and that Floatzel, then I couldn't hear what they were saying. The Floatzel looked at me and then to Aquamarine and pointing at me at the same time, while I could almost read her lips and read she said 'Who is that Flareon?'. This time I could hear a little what Aquamarine said, and she said 'He is someone that I want to-', from that last part 'I want to' I couldn't hear what she said. The Floatzel just smile and pointed to the door at our left. Aquamarine looked at back at me and make a gesture to me to follow her. I follow her.

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