Chapter 3 - Start the Adventure [part 2.5]

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I can't belive we are almost reaching 400 reads. And it's all because you guys. I really appreciate your help. And I'm really happy that you're liking it. But anyways, before we start reading this part, I would like to thank to ThoWad52 for translate my story to Spanish, so if your language is Spanish and you would like to read this story in Spanish, you can visit his account to read this story fully translated. Again I give a thanks to ThoWad52 for translate my story. And also, I want to say sorry for not being update this story as much as I update before in here and in "The Angle who fall", it's only because, all this thing of coronavirus is not giving me the "inspiration" to right like I usually write, But I'm gonna try write this story again like I write before. Ok, now, without further ado, let's start this!


Sometime later, after Chapter 3 [part 2]-

                                                      Flame's P.O.V.

Me and Aquamarine were already walking for almost two hours and we were already in the middle of the afternoon.

Flame: "I think it's better we start already find a place to stay." I explained.

Aquamarine: "I can make the campfire. I just need some wood like twigs or branches. Could you get them for me?" She asked.

Flame: "You know I'm a fire type, right?" I said.

Aquamarine: "Oh... hu... I think I forgot... but even so we still need wood to make the campfire." She explained.

Flame: "I'll take care of that. You can go find some berries." I said.

Aquamarine: "Yeah... we should have bring some berries from my home..." She said. "But I'll try!" She said running of into the bushes.

Flame: "*gliggle* That girl..." I said before turning around to the trees.

I get in my two hind legs to can use my front pawns cut the trees. How you probably ask? Well. I stretched my right paw shutting my fingers and raised it in front of my face. My paw then start getting a flame aura around it as it start burn. I then placed my right paw next to my face on the left side of it, making a curve with my arm. I then made a circular motion with my arm making a kind of hot wave that quickly went against the branch of the tree I was aiming for and cut it perfectly. I did that move a couple of times in other small branchs of that tree, until it almost don't have anymore small branch to cut. I then looked down to all the branchs I cutted and though it was enough for that night. I pick up all the branchs and start searching a place to stay with the campfire. I then find a small place that it doesn't have any tree. I put the branchs down and pick up like 4 branchs to put on top of each other. I with my mouth, I split up a average fire ball that was enough to it to start bruning. Now I only needed to wait for Aquamarine to come back with the berries. After awhile I heard something coming from the bushes, I quickly though it was Aquamarine, but when it was about to jump I realized it wasn't Aquamarine. It was a... WILD- wait... a wild Rattata...

Flame: "Oh. A wild pokemon? Perfect!" I said start making a big fire ball in my paw. "Time to die little one." I said aiming to the Rattata.

Rattata: "He he he." He laugh."

Flame: "Why you laughing? You gonna die you know?" I said.

Rattata (Leader): "Oh. You think so? Now!" He yelled before a big amout of Rattatas jump from all the bushes around me. Like 100 of them or even more.

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