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I look beside me and I see that assley is still passed out. I hear a noise and see that Henry is slumped on the floor like a homeless person, I didn't even want to look at his face, it's traumatizing.
I look around the room and see that there's a bunch of posters and signs, I have terrible eyesight so I could only read less than half of them.
What did stand out to me though, was a poster with a picture of Advil, skittles, and a picture of Harry Styles with his nipples exposed, and they all had a big bright red X over them.

What did stand out to me though, was a poster with a picture of Advil, skittles, and a picture of Harry Styles with his nipples exposed, and they all had a big bright red X over them

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What could that mean?
In the middle of my thought process, suddenly those two clone horny twin boys barged in. I noticed that the first one that showed up was still only looking at the ashy elbows who was still next to me, and the second one was only looking at me.
" what the hell do you want? Let us go or else I will cut your 1 inch dicks off."
They both spoke at the same time, but I could tell what each one said.
I then noticed that ashy elbows started randomly moaning, and I could see that both of the evil clone things got hard; Making me feel nauseous.
So if she dead or not? Can dead people moan? "We'll be back once she wakes up" Brenden said, taking the other by the hand, and walking to the scary metal door. Wow how GÆ.
He then stopped halfway out the door, looking hesitant, as if he had just realized that his dick was below average. I thought he was walking to my side of the bed and I started to internally freak out, but then he only looked up at the poster covered wall that Henry was making out with earlier, and seemed like he was looking for a specific one.
After a few seconds he reached up and ripped one off.  I raised my head a little bit, even though it hurt since I was strapped down, but then I noticed the poster he ripped off was the one that stood out to me earlier.
So now I know that they have something against those three things, but why?
All I wanted to do was look for my dad, and then this happened. Maybe I accidentally took acid.
I then suddenly remembered that Henry was in the room.
"Hey there big boy" I tried to say seductively again.
Why does the way he talk turn me on?
"C'mere, I just wanna give you a kiss."
He actually stood up and started walking towards me, I saw that there was a bulge pointing out of his fancæ pants. Wow he's easy to get hard. As he got closer I realized I wasn't sure if it was his dick, it was more to the side of his leg instead of in between.
He actually leaned down for a kiss, and while that was happening I reached my hand down to the buldge softly. That hurt too since my arm was strapped down.
The bulge was literally in his pocket so it wasn't his dick. I reached inside and pulled the thing out slowly, it was pocket knife. Hell yeah.
He didn't notice what was happening, but I saw that I was a mili second away from my lips touching his crusty ones, so before that happened I sneezed in his face and a bunch of apple sauce got all over him and his fanćæ suit.
he started crying, and ran out the door.
Finally, no creeps in the room. Or maybe assley is a creep, I don't know her that well yet. But that doesn't worry me for now.
With the pocket knife I cut off the straps, and I was finally free.
As I was about to cut off the straps on assley, I heard footsteps.
"WHO MADE HÉŃRŸ CRY!1!!1!1!!1!1"
I heard a voice echo. Sounded like the Afro weirdo.
I panicked and realized that I probably didn't have enough time to save Assley, so I was going to have to leave her behind.

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