6 ~ An Early Morning

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The days seem to drag on, but Saturday does eventually come. The day of the induction assembly. The day where all the newcomers gather and learn how perfect life would be here at Horizon University.

"Perfect..." I scoff, mumbling to myself. Not if you have such a shitty roommate as I do. That's far from perfect.

It may not be such a big deal for most normal people who aren't me. But I am me so it's a big, big deal that has me waking up drenched in sweat at 4am in the morning from my nerves.

But besides that, I really need to wee. The constant throbbing in my stomach is uncomfortable and warned me that I was very close to having an accident.

Groaning, I stood up quickly and lumbered toward the toilet.

I blew out a forceful breath in frustration. Why do I always have to be rushing for a loo? Why can't my body be patient? Why can't I wake up when it isn't this bad like other people can?

There is barely time for me to shut the door before I'm fumbling with my underwear. I'm dancing all over the place but I can't seem to get my pants down. I grit my teeth in agony. It hurts like a bitch.

Maybe my bladder heard me curse it, because it trembles suddenly and I lose a long stream of pee down my leg.

"F-fuck." I mumble. I can't have an accident right in front of a toilet. I've done that too many times already, it's starting to get old.

Soon, I am able to free myself and aim sloppily at the bowl. At least I made it.

I sigh loudly and wait for some extra seconds for every drop to hit the water. When I'm certain that it has, I drag my sluggish body back to my bed like the disgusting, lazy, freak I am. Normal people would have taken a shower. But Jay just takes his pee-self back to bed to panic some more over an assembly.

An assembly for crying out loud!

I roll over and tried to think back to the dream that woke me up. It wasn't a nightmare persay, because I can't really remember what the dream was about.

So I deduce it to being a negative, nagging, reoccurring thought that sat in a nest in a crevice of my brain and laid a bad egg which hatched a foul thought that bubbled out of the shell like black bile.

The idea of so many people was sickening. Imagine all those people. Sitting next to you; speaking to each other; laughing with one another. But I am yet to make a single friend or even find a person whom I could have a decent conversation with to make it look like I'm a 'somebody'.

Groaning, I message my temples, knowing that I won't be able to get back to sleep. I sit up and squint at my phone and see that I have multiple  missed calls from my parents once again.

They have been calling me occasionally but I've always given them short answers and not really described anything that's really been going on here, but now I really want to tell them about my horrible start so far.

How ironic that my misery is the product of one of that Boy's wicked spells.

Screw him.

Living in a dorm room with an insufferable roommate causes one to physically go mad. I am literally losing my mind as my body seems to enter a state of terrified shock whenever I see him. If I see him. Because it is a blessing in itself to be granted with his mere presence.

So, despite the time, I decide to call my mother back. She just seems like the best one to deal with this. Whatever 'this' is. She'll help me determine whether I'm being petty or not and I want to get it off my chest.

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