7 ~ Assembly

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A coffee and a book was all I needed before I got up and left feeling relatively better. Sending a small wave in Harley's direction, I leave swiftly, only to be met with a swarm of people.

It's only 2:30 but it seems that everyone else has the same idea that I do and wants to get to the auditorium first.

Without needing to look at the map I was given on the first day, I follow the crowd. There are enough people walking for me to remain inconspicuous. I keep my head down and trudge on, hoping not to come across any trouble.

Thankfully I don't. It's 15 minutes of walking before we begin to pile into the large hall. My mouth gapes unintentionally. The projector is massive and the room spacious. I can't even decide where I want to sit!

I watch as the group I entered with slowly trickled away from me, reminding me that I was just an unwanted loner. They have their friends that they are going to sit with. And have chats with. And have hearty laughs with before the induction begins. I do not.

Anxiety compresses me and fills my body with depression as the urge to cry resurfaces from the ocean of my emotions. As if each emotion is it's own bubble being injected with a sharp needle of scorn; filled with liquid melancholy.

I fight the tremor that plagued my bones and glare down at the ground through tearfilled eyes.

It's just a seat, stupid. Find one and sit in it. It's not that hard.

I spot an empty row and shuffle along into the furthest seat against the wall and curl in on myself. I don't want to be noticed. I don't want people to see how much of a loner I am.

My hands lift to my face to scrub at the tears with my sleeve. I try to take deep breaths to calm myself from my mini panic attack and stare ahead vehemently.

Time passes and seats start to fill. I instantly recognise the first person to approach my row of seats.

It's him.

His eyes lock with mine and I can't tear my gaze away. Those deep brown orbs grab hold of me, enticing me to stare back.

A voice interrupts the intimacy of the moment.

"Chase...Chase? Are you sitting or what?" She grabs his wrist.

I blink quickly and blush, looking away. Of course. He has a girlfriend. I better back off. I shoot one last glance at him before ducking my head down into the book opened on my lap.

What I didn't expect was to see him looking at me too.

"No. Not here. Let's go somewhere else." His deep voice slices my skin. His words sting. He doesn't even want to sit next to me.

I sigh heavily. At least now I know his name I guess - I try to make the best of the encounter.

Chase. Cute.

The next time my head comes up is when a loud group of people barge into the seats beside me - evidently a large group of friends. They're led by a boy. Or should I say: man.

What is it with me encountering really hot men at this uni?

I learn from my mistake and I don't stare for too long. I ignore them and focus on my book.

Well that's until the really good looking guy sits right next to me!

I hold my breath begging to remain invisible. Praying that he does not notice the nerdy faggot loner in the corn-


Fuck! "H-h-h-h-hi?" Fuck!

My stutter is predominantly worse than usual. This is going to end so badly.

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