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Aside of his worries about looking as good as possible, it turned out to be a great day for Jacob. He did well at his job interview, without stuttering or messing his words up too much, and he didn't want to jump to conclusions but he was almost certain that he was going to get hired.

After the interview, he went to grab coffee with a co-worker of his and they went to work together. He worked part time at a store that had supplies for other stores. He worked there for quite a long time already yet he still wasn't sure if there was a more specific name for that kind of stores. Even if it didn’t pay enough for him to be able to treat himself from time to time, he loved working there. Especially because his co-workers were nice and his boss was really chill. But as nice as they all were, he was the most talkative and friendliest of all, always ready to help customers right away which the others who were more anxious were very thankful for because he was like their savior at moments when they didn't want to deal with customers that were a little more rude or intimidating.

When the shift was over, he was the one to take care of closing the shop since it was his turn, according to the table that was hanging in the storage room. He cleaned up and put everything into place, double checking to make sure that everything was alright before calling a taxi as he was turning on the security alarm system and closing the door, a content smile plastered on his face for apparently no reason other than him having a good day. Of course, he felt tired already. It seemed like such a long day but he was happy.  

While he was preparing dinner at home, he noticed something odd. That evening he hadn’t heard a single sound coming from Kevin’s apartment which was unusual and a contrast to almost every other evening he had spent at home. Maybe the boy had listened to his advice and was catching up on all the sleep he had been missing on in his entire life probably. He left the food on the stove and reached out to open the cupboard above his head. He took out a bigger glass and filled it with water, heading to the balcony to water the succulents. For his big surprise, Kevin was there, watering the rest of his plants. Quietly.  

“Hey,” Jacob greeted and smiled at his neighbor. He moved closer to the frame to look at the little pots only to see that they weren’t watered yet. True, they were succulents, but there were times when they looked really depressed and dried out. “Are you never watering these?” He asked as he was removing some of the dried out parts before watering them, trying to pour water equally into each pot.

Kevin shook his head and left the bottle that he used for watering plants after he was done with it. “I’ve noticed you’re 'secretly' taking care of them from time to time, so I stopped because I didn’t want to kill them from accidentally watering them too much.”  

"Yeah, so you've decided to kill them from not watering them at all." Jacob nodded as he quietly giggled under his breath and leaned against the frame, looking at Kevin. It was so easy to have small talk with him. With other people it usually got boring or even annoying and repetitive, sometimes even awkward, but Kevin was obviously good at small talk. Jacob wasn’t sure if he was but so far, he was able to carry out all conversations with the younger quite well. “ Wannacome over?" He suddenly asked. "I’m making dinner right now.”  

“I haven’t eaten yet, so yeah,” Kevin agreed without thinking much, smiling widely. His tired eyes suddenly sparked with excitement.  

“Okay.” Jacob nodded and backed away a little. He was heading to the door of the balcony but still looking at Kevin. “I don’t have time to tidy up, so don’t have any expectations.”  

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