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Jacob wasn’t late to notice that Kevin had dozed off. Well, he had no other choice but to notice when the younger didn't give any reaction to the game finally loading fully.

He found it amazing that he actually got to witness the sight of Kevin Moon sleeping probably for the first time in his entire life. No, he didn't think he was exaggerating. He shook his head lightly with a small smile spread across his face and turned the TV off along with the gaming console. He carefully took the controller out of Kevin’s loose hold and put it away before he got up. He went to his closet to take a warm blanket and came to the living room, covering the brown-haired boy with it. After that, he put his plate in the sink, postponing washing the dishes for the morning to not wake Kevin up with the noise. He went to his room and changed into his sleeping clothes, not able to afford the luxury of sleeping in his boxers only since he had a guest over. 

As good as it was, the day felt much longer than it probably should have and Jacob felt happy that it finally came to an end and that he could finally sleep. 

Kevin got startled in his sleep which resulted in him waking up in the middle of the night. He wasn’t sure if he actually had a nightmare or some external noise caused him to wake up but once he was awake, there was no falling back asleep. He yawned and stretched, opening his eyes and immediately squinting as he tried to get used to the dark, only a soft glow from the moon outside shining through the thin curtains into the room. The boy put a hand over his mouth and gasped muffledly as he realized that he wasn’t at his own apartment, feeling embarrassed that he had fallen asleep at Jacob’s. He felt like he had to apologize for making his, oh so friendly, neighbor go through the trouble of him falling asleep in the middle of them playing games and even covering him with a blanket because he was that considerate. 

He took his phone from the coffee table to check what the time was, internally cursing at himself that he had last put it at full brightness. Bad both for his eyes and for his battery life apparently. He let out a quiet sigh and got up, heading to the small kitchen to fill himself a glass of water. As he was looking through the cabinets to figure out where Jacob kept the clean glasses, he noticed that the dishes weren’t washed. After a short search, he finally found where the glasses were and took one, filling it with water from the tap. When he drank all of it, he quickly washed the glass along with the plates because it was the least he could do to thank Jacob and to help him out. 

Being honest with himself, for quite a long time Kevin had hoped that he could be good friends with Jacob or at least be closer with him. He didn't have a lot of real life friends since he worked at home and didn't really need to go out a lot and to meet new people. He wasn’t sure if the older boy wanted to be friends with him too, so he never really approached him. Living alone and not really communicating with anyone besides your internet friends was alright most of the time. Yet there were other times when he felt really lonely and no matter what he did to distract himself from it, he knew that staying up late and playing video games without trying to make new friends who he could actually hang out with wasn’t going to help him one bit. But he also didn’t feel ready to be potentially 'disappointed', so he somehow rolled with it and waited for a miracle to happen and for the perfect person to appear and offer to be friends with him out of nowhere. And now, he could do nothing but hope that Jacob was showing actual, genuine interest in spending time with him.

He went back to the couch and lied down, placing a cushion underneath his head and covering himself with the blanket. He realized that he was a little cold because the window was open but now it was too late. He had already made himself comfortable and didn’t want to get up. 

Kevin spent the time until Jacob woke up on his phone. When he heard the other boy going out of his room, he quickly got up and moved to sit at the end of the couch, although not taking his eyes off of his phone. Jacob was too sleepy and therefore he had almost forgotten Kevin was in his apartment. He went to the bathroom to do his morning routine and he realized the other boy was there only when he walked into the living room and saw him, going through a few seconds of sleepy surprise and even confusion. 

The younger looked up from his phone. “Good morning,” he greeted, not exactly noticing and paying much attention to the other's initial confusion. “Did you sleep well?” 

“I feel like I hadn’t slept that good in months,” Jacob said as he stretched his arms up and went over to the fridge. “How about you?” He took out a carton of milk and placed it on the counter, taking out a small pot to heat it up in. 

Kevin shrugged. “I’ve been awake for about seven or eight hours now, so I guess it wasn’t all that good. I’m sorry for falling asleep here, I didn’t mean to be a bother.” 

Jacob looked at Kevin with his eyebrows curled upwards and a small pout, leaving the milk down on the counter before even getting the chance to pour any of it into the pot. “Don’t talk like that, you’re not a bother. You haven’t done anything wrong. I’m actually even surprised that you got any sleep at all.” He sighed and shook his head lightly, looking ahead once again. “Do you want cereal?” 

“Yeah,” Kevin responded as he left his phone on the coffee table, still feeling guilty even though Jacob said it’s alright. He didn’t feel like it was. But nothing that much had happened, right? He just fell asleep in another dude's apartment. It wasn't supposed to be something he should feel bad about. “Do you need help with anything?” 

“Mmm, I don’t think so.” After pouring enough milk for the two of them, Jacob put the pot on the smallest hob on his oven. While he was waiting for it to warm up, he made coffee for himself and tea for Kevin because he had noticed he prefers it over coffee. Which was weird for someone who barely slept. Jacob had always thought that sleep deprivation like his must have been fueled by lots and lots of caffeine. The only reason he knew that Kevin drank tea was because of the many mornings they would accidentally end up spending together on their balconies, never failing to catch the faint smell of forest fruit. 

Unfortunately, the only kind of tea Jacob had tasted like a lemon with a severe case of depression. He didn’t really know how to feel about that. And neither did Kevin when he caught the faint smell of the tea. Of course, he felt good that Jacob cared enough to notice that he always drank tea and couldn't complain because, after all, he was a guest.

Soon, Jacob walked over to the couch with two bowls of cereal, leaving them on the table and going back to take the drinks. When he came back again, he placed the cup of tea in front of Kevin and smiled warmly at him. “There you go,” he said with his usual soft, friendly voice. "I'm sorry I don't have anything better to offer than this, I hope I don't need to admit that I've bought the cheapest tea and cereal even though that's exactly what I did." He then walked to the other side of the table and sat down at the other end of the couch, taking his bowl. 

“Thank you so much,” Kevin looked at Jacob.

“No need to.” 

While they were eating, Jacob turned the TV on, humming quietly. “Mind if we watch cartoons?” He asked, already searching for the cartoon channels either way. 

“Of course not,” Kevin responded almost right after. He had eaten his cereal in no time just because he didn’t want his tea to cool off way too soon. He reached out and left the bowl on the table, replacing it with the cup of tea that he only held to warm his hands up. Jacob had also noticed that he always did that. It was kind of cute in a way. Although not being able to keep your hands warm despite all the efforts wasn't very cute. 

They spent the rest of the morning watching cartoons together until Kevin decided it was time to go back to his apartment so Jacob could get ready for work. And so he could do some work too, of course.

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