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Unlike the previous day, Jacob had a horrible day at work  as if he had used up all of his monthly good luck in just one day. He  constantly having to argue with customers  while  trying to be as nice as possible just because he didn’t want to actually cause any problems neither for the customers nor for himself. He felt drained. The last thing he wanted was to get himself in trouble. Maybe he was being overdramatic but in days like this he was seriously wondering if that job was really worth it.  Especially when he was always the chosen one to talk to customers.  

Not to mention, the weather also affected his mood quite a lot. Well, maybe not in general but certainly on that specific day. It was cloudy and kind of gloomy outside, a little too humid and suffocating as if it was going to rain any moment but it never actually did.  

When there w ere  less people around wh o  were just peacefully looking around for whatever they needed, Jacob  could finally  take his time to  rest a little, leaning against the counter and humming quietly to whatever song was playing on the radio. He stopped  not long after  as he was distracted by the door opening, his attention fixing on the  person  who walked in. A wide smile suddenly appeared on his face and it was like his day was never even close to bad.  

“Kevin!” Jacob exclaimed happily, his mood improving just because he saw someone he knows.  

Kevin was a little surprised as he looked back at him, but he quickly smiled in return, walking up to the counter. “What are you doing here?” He asked curiously, not in an interrogative way. He apparently wasn’t too quick to connect the dots.  

“Guess.” Jacob’s smile grew wider as he saw the utter confusion in Kevin’s eyes. He giggled and made a small hand motion to gesture at the whole counter before actually answering his question. “I work here. I think I’ve mentioned it before.”  

Kevin was way too forgetful to know that if that was true or not, he personally couldn’t recall, so he just decided to settle with  shrugging and  believing Jacob on that.  

“So, what’s bringing you here?” Jacob asked, ready to help with whatever he could  as if he wasn’t exhausted . After all, him and Kevin might be neighbors and even friends but he was still at work and aside of everything else, right now Kevin was also a customer for Jacob. On top of everything else , i f   he was visiting the store for the first time it meant that  helping him  would give  them  a chance to hang out for a little while.  

Jacob was happy about it but it was t otally not because he didn’t really want to do any proper work  f or  the day anymore. It was all about helping out a friend in need.  

The younger hummed as he thought for a while. “I ’m not really looking for anything specific. I just found this store on the internet, so I came here to check it out and see if I could find something I’d need .”  

“I can show you around,” Jacob offered, already walking out  from behind the counter to Kevin.  

Quite unfortunately for him, Kevin actually knew exactly what he was searching for and his needs were a little bit too specific for his liking , he just didn’t want to seem weird or pretentious, so he was just going to act surprised when he magically found exactly what he was looking for .  

Apparently  and even more unfortunately , Kevin turned out to be one of the many problematic customers Jacob had that day  because  after around ten or fifteen minutes of walking around, he didn’t see any of the things he was looking for. So, he asked Jacob if they actually had them. And thanks to him, the older boy  had to call a few of the suppliers for the store to ask them if they had anything of what Kevin needed in their storage. 

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