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Jacob never even expected he would ever need to experience having a guy such as Kevin Moon as his neighbor. Not that he wasn’t nice. It was the complete opposite. He was, in fact, the friendliest and kindest person Jacob had ever met. Or maybe he thought that way because he never got to know him better than he currently did. But his good qualities ended approximately there. The boy was a complete mess.  

Being friends with him was nice, it was difficult for one to not like him. But being neighbors with him was a completely different story. He was loud and apparently never slept. At times, when Jacob was having difficulties falling asleep and was just sitting in bed and watching videos on YouTube, he would hear Kevin stumbling on his balcony while watering his plants. He was way too clumsy for his own good. The walls between their apartments were thin enough, Jacob always knew when Kevin dropped and/or broke something, wincing at the sound of the loud thuds every time as if he never got used to them. They were always followed by Kevin muttering curses about how he's so annoyed that everything manages to get in his way and about how it was about time to buy more durable things that would survive for longer in his presence. It was rare, but there were also times when objects, more specifically a controller, got thrown to a random wall of choice just because Kevin was frustrated with the video games he was playing. Apparently, the controllers were durable.  

Jacob had to start making a list of the things he had actually gotten used to – such as Kevin just randomly singing all the time or knocking on Jacob’s wall when he needed something, not caring what time of the day it was. In fact, the only reason he could get used to with Kevin’s singing was that he could actually sing, for his surprise. He had a very beautiful voice and it was quite enjoyable to listen to when Jacob wasn’t trying to sleep or do some very important work. He wondered if he would still be the only one who was being bothered by Kevin if he had another neighbor on the other side, but from what he had gathered, Jacob knew that Kevin would sometimes bother the couple from the upper floor when he needed something very urgently and Jacob wasn't responding.  

For some reason, aside of everything else, Kevin held some of his plants at the frame that was dividing his and Jacob’s balcony. It often resulted in Jacob going out and witnessing a broken pot on the ground. The flower pot casualty count so far was around five or six. Luckily, Kevin learned his lesson and started keeping only small succulents with equally small pots to keep them in so they had enough space on the frame to not get knocked down by the forces of gravity. Jacob was very fond of these succulents for some reason. Maybe it was because they looked so cute since they were so small but it became a habit for him to water them from time to time, too, in cases when Kevin forgot. And he really did forget quite often. Somehow none of his flowers died, though. Even those that were out of Jacob's reach.

The two-room apartment Jacob lived in was very cozy and it was the most he could afford, so he didn’t want to consider planning on moving out just because his neighbor was a nuisance at times. There were moments when he was considering if he should switch his bedroom and the living room, but moving furniture was too much of a burden for him. So he stayed like that and endured everything coming from the other side of the thin wall.  

Or at least almost everything. Sometimes Jacob heard very questionable noises but that was an issue he took care of quickly by putting his headphones on and not interrupting the other with whatever he was doing. He was never interested enough to question his habits and what he decides to do with his free time. He couldn’t really complain from Kevin because he knew that there was noise coming from his own side too. Except that it wasn’t at such great amounts and volumes. And it definitely wasn’t in the middle of the night.  

꒰ LATE NIGHT TALKS ꒱ - MOONBAE ˎˊ˗Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang