Ask 14

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Patton: *he thinks, biting his lip* either when me and Logan began dating or

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Patton: *he thinks, biting his lip* either when me and Logan began dating or... when I adopted Virgil! They were both AMAZING memories! I'm pretty sure I've said this before in a video, but mines Winnie the Pooh!

Logan: *he thought to himself, shrugging slightly* either adopting my girls or when I started dating Patton. My favourite movie is Big Hero 6. I find it quite interesting, especially when-

Remus: oh shut up nerdy wolverine!

Logan: *he softly sighed, nuzzling Patton softly who happily cuddled back. No words could express how much he loved Patton and would until the end of time...*

Roman: *he smiled to himself, chuckling softly* either adopting Roe and Kaylan or starting going out with Virgil! And my favourite Disney movie... *he crossed his arms, huffing quietly* I dont care, they're ALL MY FAVOURITES AND YOU CAN'T MAKE ME PICK ONE-

Virgil: *softly hugs Roman, stroking the others hair in an attempt to calm the prince down* probably when I was finally accepted by the Light Sides... it felt so... nice... and my favourite disney movie is The Nightmare before Christmas... if that doesn't count then The Black Cauldron..

Remus: *he grinned, chuckling softly* knocking Roman out with my mace! My favourite movie is The Little Mermaid! Have you SEEN how cool Ursula is?!

Deceit: *he let out a sigh, thinking softly as he bit into his lip* ...probably when Denni came into my life... I don't typically watch movies but one me and Remus sometimes watch is Frozen.. *he smiled, chuckling softly* it's a good film with powerful messages I guess...

Imogen: *she thought, smiling softly* When I met Kaylan! She's so nice and is my bestest friend ever!

Logan: that's not a word

Imogen: ...greatest?

Logan: there you go *smiles proudly*

Imogen: *smiles softly* and my favourite movie... probably The Lion King! It's such a nice movie with really good songs!

Lyssa: *she smiled, thinking herself* when Roe said he was going to do an impression of Kaylan before falling down the stairs. That was amazing... *she chuckled softly at the memory, grinning to herself* and my favourite disney movie? Probably... hmm... Aladdin... yeah, Aladdin.

Katie: *bites into her deodorant, thinking before swallowing* when I chugged a pot of glue filled with cream inside in front of Denni and Denni yelled for my dad to come, not knowing it was cream. *she giggles, grinning* and my favourite movie is The Princess and the Frog! Doctor Facilier is so cool!

Ask and Dare Patton Sanders (And the other sides!)Where stories live. Discover now