Ask 15

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Imogen: I'm sure all of us will happily give you a hug exc-

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Imogen: I'm sure all of us will happily give you a hug exc-

Deceit: no. Not the chaotic child. Nope, nope, nope-

Imogen: except Deceit-

Patton: *he sighed, looking at the question before smiling* either dogs or cats! It's a difficult choice since I'm allergic to cats though...

Logan: *he hummed softly in thought, adjusting his glasses slightly* owls. They're seen as the more intellectual animals in the animal kingdom, after all.

Roman: either a lion or a stallion!

Virgil: *he pulled his hood over his face, smiling slightly* cats...

Remus: *he grinned, smirking at Deceit* snakes or squids for obvious reasons~

Deceit: *the snek hissed, rolling his eyes* snakes. I have s pet snake and it's my logo, I'd obviously pick snakes...

Imogen: *a light hum exits her mouth as she thought, biting her lip faintly* probably dogs... then again, I love all animals!

Lyssa: *she faintly smiles, nuzzling her wolf as she sat on the floor* wolves... they're adorable... mo one can change my mind...

Katie: *she let out a giggle, grinning widely* ravens, griffins and kittens! They're my favourite animals EVER!

Logan: Griffins are mythical beasts that are part lion, part eagle. They aren't animals.

Katie: *she hissed, eyes narrowed* whatever, they're still my favourite...

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