Chapter 1.4 - FINDING FAITH

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I ended up in the library, a beautiful grand library, the one that took decades to perfect.

I'm not a big lover of books, I've only read every once in a while, but the library always takes my breath away.

The rumor behind it's build was by a past Alpha King and his mate, a true embodiment of love.

It was said that she loved everything to do with reading all the stories that were told and made up to create the greatest wonder she could ever experience even if it was just for a brief moment in the words.

So as a gift to her and the pup she carried and bore he built this library so she can sit in nothing but happiness that surrounded her as she told the tales to their son.

Though it wasn't as big, it was just one floor, finally finished and ready to show her as a heartfelt gift but she was killed in an attack leaving the king alone to raise his child.

Though the child grew and so did his love of books just like his mother, and even though he never met her, his father even after so many years later taking another mate hesitantly after the death of his first mate, she was still present for the boy to know who she was.

The child read and read everyday to the very last book, till he read them multiple times and it made the king smile with a thought for his past love.

'He's just like you, every bit of you, and if you were still here in this moment, I know I'll have this thought to as I watch you pick up a book to read for the sixth time already knowing what's the beginning and the end, to make it bigger and able to whole more to have endless stories for your mind to have of wonder.'

So, he did, he made this library so grand, with an entrance point on each floor of our pack house a beautiful big room surrounding you in nothing but stories and wonderful escapes, where people would gather and sit in joy for hours.

For to this day, they honor that of his love for her and the love they had of her themselves to add a new book to it every year on the day of her passing so that if she is truly here with us, she can have ample to read in her afterlife, now with her mate by her side as she sits with him and tells him a tale in peace.

I felt joy as soon as I walked in, joy when a girl close to my age, a Werewolf, asked me if I were here to help straighten up the library before all comes in and take joy in its peace. I told her I wasn't.

I was just walking around trying to find my way and my path that I just randomly took led me here but I'll be glad to help.

Though she just responded that some books here are that from all over the world passed down throughout the generations, some with even magical properties maybe you are here for a reason.

So, for the past hour I've been helping with the library, so many have come in already in whispers of conversations of small talk or reading amongst the masses.

Though none came up to me though for conversation and the girl left a while back though she did bid me a farewell, another wolf hopefully who doesn't care about what has transpired of me or just thought of me as a random person she'll never see again like a stranger you may bump into in a line and hold a conversation with for a minute before you leave and forget it even happened.

"You know there is no need to try to keep up with the cleaning of it all, it'll be too hard, so many people and this room here is just far to big, best to wait to the night or you'll drive yourself up the wall trying to keep up" I heard from a gentle voice from behind, making me turn my head to see a women wise in age standing there putting the last book on the shelf that I had in my stack on the small cart I rolled around with me.

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