Chapter 3.1 - Under A Watchful Eye

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There wasn't much to pack in my room, I didn't have as much as I used to. When I became human, I went through a meltdown. It was very hard and too depressing to look at meltdown destroying many of my things.

I decided that all I need is just my clothes. I really don't want anything that could remind me of a place that never really cared for me, something of a past I just don't want to think of anymore when I'm gone.

I heard the creak of my bedroom door open only to leave me with one guess as to who it is, Alice.
Considering the circumstances and the fact that she is the only one to visit me here anyways.
It's sad really, that not even my brother comes to see me, someone meant to look after me, my own parents don't come either, the ones that conceived me and brought me into this world.

Yet I knew they do not love me for even my birth brought shame to them.

My parents both being high ranking Warrior Wolves giving birth to a Latean is shameful, some even said that it would've been at least better that I was born an Omega at least I'll be able to shift and trust me even some other Omegas agreed to that notion.

So, when it was said that I was Human my parents then really gave way and let it be that they truly acted like they only had one child.

"Just give me a few more minutes Alice" I spoke, breaking from my thoughts, "then I'll be ready to go."

"Stop packing, you are not leaving" a voice spoke, a voice I know all too well, one that I would really always want to hear.
Making me stop my movements to do a sharp turn to my door to look at Luci standing there in his glory.

This would be the time I miss being a Werewolf, the ability to sense exactly who may be there granted my wolf stature was a weak one so my senses were not as good, I would barely surpass that of an Omega but the ability was still there.

Having something like that taken away makes me very vulnerable, to any supernatural really since it's used as a form of protection and to now be without it for us it's dangerous, very dangerous.

Then again, the Humans live like this all the time but yet they do always have to look over their shoulders, to even make sure that small little feeling they feel with the small voice in the back of their mind telling them someone maybe is following them or the small noise they heard from that not far of distance was nothing but a noise and just their mind being harsh on small fears.

"Why?" tilting my head in confusion, just like he said I am due for rotation.

"You can't expect you can leave now when you had made such a claim as you did Eleanor one of great power and importance to all supernatural creatures." Taking further step into the room taking in all that is around him to only notice that there is not much to really see here in this small closet life of a space, but a space I was grateful for nonetheless.

"You have caused an uproar with the Elders, even more so stating that you imprinted on me, they decided not to include the whole of the supernatural council since it's highly unlikely for you to have this bond and the risk of word spread is such a danger. But since it was stated, it must be investigated so your leave to the Human society is on pause for now."

Great. Here is the moment now that I wish to go back in time and tell myself to shut the hell up, I just made my life worse for myself. "What is there to investigate, my wolf is dead therefore no witch can do the bond check to see if a bond is there" I said plainly taking a seat on the edge of my bed.

Even though I know the bond is present and I can feel it still. Witches can check for bonds by two people, when one dies it is broken, however just my wolf died and even still you won't see it since the bonds are connected through our wolves, mostly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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